Burger King - Dogpper
Advertising Agency
Madrid, Spain
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX

 Burger King needed to gain consideration in its food delivery service in front of a competition that grows with online ordering platforms such as Uber Eats or Deliveroo. They are digital search engines that don't make their food, they don't have the capacity to produce products. We wanted to take advantage of this to create a campaign that they could never do, based on the launch of a product that solved a problem that no one had addressed before and that affects 128 million families in Spain and the United States. Something very much linked to home consumption. For all those who have dogs, it is more difficult to enjoy their hamburger quiet, the smell of meat makes dogs ask for food, their owners can not fully enjoy that moment. A problem that everyone empathizes with and feels identified with. In order to generate notoriety, affinity and increase sales, we launched the first bone with Whopper flavor. A gift for dogs, but especially for their owners, who could finally enjoy their hamburger relaxed.

Together with the company Snapy Research, which specializes in data and trend analysis, we conducted a study on consumption habits in homes with dogs. We found two relevant cultural data, two data that allowed us to look for a useful solution for the consumer and to help convey our message: enjoy Burger King quietly at home. 50% of the population with a dog at home share the food with their pets. And two out of three dog owners acknowledge that their dog asks for food. This tension was perfect for launching our idea, a cookie to entertain dogs and enjoy the Whopper in peace. Taking advantage of the tension in a specific target to create a campaign with great potential to reach emotionally all the public.

To protect the moment of consumption at home of all families with dogs, we created a Whopper-flavored dog biscuit, which people could add to their home order. And we launched it representing the insight in the purest way in all executions, to get the identification of all the public. Portraying the sentimental blackmail dogs use to try to get food. An insight that affects a specific target, but with which a large majority is identified.

We managed to increase sales and get many media to talk about the idea. In addition to a nice unexpected result: many people shared photos of their dogs enjoying the Whopper-flavored cookie on social networks. Showing a fun moment of consumption at home with the hashtag #dogpper. Through a specific target we reach everyone, with a campaign that creates something real that solves a real problem at the time of consumption of our product. A promotion aimed at dogs, but where the biggest beneficiaries are their owners, who can (finally) enjoy their hamburger at home quietly. 600 million organic impressions, 14 million earned media, sales increased by 18%.  

With the entry of digital platforms like UBER EATS, the struggle to be the leader of home delivery is very tough. Everyone tries to show moments of enjoyment associated with orders. We had to find another way to deliver that message. And we found it in the way owners behave with their dogs when food arrives at home. Owners who tend to pamper their pets, but live a moment of tension when they want to enjoy their food quietly. In that special owner-pet relationship we saw the opportunity to elevate our message, more about grilled meat, which makes dogs a little more insistent.