March for Our Lives - Generation Lockdown
Advertising Agency
New York, USA
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

In 95% of schools in America, from kindergarten to high school, lockdown drills have become as common as math and science class. Students learn terrifying lessons like how to barricade doors with tables and how to balance on toilet seats so that gunmen can’t see their feet. In some schools, songs about lockdown drills are sung to the tune of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ so that kids remember.

March For Our Lives believes politicians have shifted the responsibility of preventing mass shooting to kids — forcing millions of them to become experts in their own survival instead of tackling any meaningful gun reform.

March For Our Lives has created this film to rally support for a real solution — the S. 42 Background Check Expansion Act, which is now in the Senate. Under current federal law, unlicensed or private sellers are not required to conduct a background check prior to transferring a firearm. This act closes the loophole.

The result is ‘Generation Lockdown’ — a campaign that brings active shooter drills out of classroom and into the conversations of the people who need to solve this mass shooting epidemic.