McDonald's - Burger in Chinese Painting
Advertising Agency
Shanghai, China
Agency / Creative


Chinese New Year is the period for family reunions - an important time for Chinese families that cannot be missed.

For some, it’s also a frustrating period. In China most of the younger generation lives in different cities and homes than their parents for economic reasons. Their lifestyles are very different, creating different world-views. This leads to conflict.

Starting with the insight that this key reunion moment is filled with generation gaps, we worked with McDonald’s to develop a limited-edition range featuring preserved vegetables. It’s an ingredient that appeals to elders, to whom it tastes of memories and tradition, and younger generations who love interesting fusions: preserved vegetables + burgers.

McDonald’s then briefed us to create a campaign to launch these Chinese New Year burgers. We needed to appeal to young and old and remind everyone that McDonald’s is a destination for families to enjoy the CNY season in a more delightful way: feel-good moments made easy for everyone.


McDonald’s limited-edition CNY burgers are inspired by uniquely Chinese flavours, with preserved vegetables the key ingredient. So, when creating the communication materials to promote them, we looked at uniquely Chinese artisans and paintings for inspiration.

 In close collaboration with Shanghai Animation Film Studio, we leveraged the studio’s animation artistry to create a film that’s inspired by traditional Chinese ink paintings - a style that’s welcomed on both sides of the generational gap regardless of age or demographics.

For elders, it sparks memories and nostalgia, while also appealing to young people’s love of Chinoiserie. Beautifully executed to create a unique visual IP, the ink painting style unites two vastly different generations by ‘preserving the flavours of togetherness’.