Hum Banayenge
Advertising Agency
Mumbai, India
Agency / Creative


1. Having set up its first India cloud region only in 2017, GCP had a task on its hands in terms of winning the trust and confidence of enterprises, startups, and developers who were accustomed to competitors. And in this industry, people prefer to go along with familiar partners for long. 

2. But as the younger population was solving for India’s future, they were realizing what got them through the last 20 years of enterprise technology might not get them through the next 10. This allowed us to get our foot in the door on the back of our infrastructure. A company built on the cloud with decades of experience in operating global scale infrastructure was here to partner with them. 

3. With a slew of government initiatives aimed at making India self-reliant over the last decade, we wanted to show we were committed to the country and its future.

Creative Idea      

Indians have a healthy obsession with problem solving. It isn’t called the land of a billion opportunities for nothing. Over time, Indians have shown their outlook towards a problem wasn’t “let somebody else solve it for me”, but “why can’t we do it ourselves?” 

This cultural insight gave birth to the idea of Hum Banayenge (We Will Build It), demonstrating this same drive of enterprises and individuals to find solutions for challenging problems and how GCP shared their spirit and perspective, and possessed the infrastructure to help them go across the line. 

Through a series of films, we showed examples of businesses and startups who had partnered with Google Cloud to solve challenging problems, and in doing so, inviting others to join the bandwagon, leaving them with the thought – Who’ll solve for India’s future? Together, Hum Banayenge.


1. One main film with a strong VO that speaks to the hearts of entrepreneurs and inspire the problem solver within them, partnered with visuals of our existing clients to demonstrate that we were here for them, committed to them. 

2. Three shorter edits of the main film, targeted to the three cohorts, addressing the specific reservations experienced by them and offering to address their queries.

3. A ton of social content – owned and collaborative, to keep the conversation going and keep the buzz alive. This was further optimized to harness the positive sentiment on the occasion of 75th anniversary of India’s independence.

4. A hackathon hosted to an opportunity given to the coder community to showcase their Hum Banayenge spirit.


38 Million total impressions

26.9 Million total views (with LinkedIn driving the highest number of organic views among all platforms)

237K Total engagement

5.88% average organic engagement rate, 160% better than the industry average

Upliftment in unaided brand awareness from 52% to 62%, closing the gap with competition and category leaders (Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure)

Significant improvement in key brand parameters, innovation (+24%), leadership (+38%), trustworthiness (+8%)