5 minutes with... in association withAdobe Firefly

5 Minutes with… Dani Richa

London, UK
BBDO’s EMEA chairman speaks to LBB writer Olivia Atkins about including Europe in his remit, reflecting on his 35 years with the agency and how he harnesses creativity for good
Having recently secured the title of Regional Network of the Year 2024 (MENA) for the seventh consecutive year at Cannes Lions, BBDO MEA has further solidified its reputation for excellence. And it has Dani Richa to thank, at least in part, for that.
With over 35 years as the MEA chairman and CEO, Dani has just expanded his responsibilities over the past year to include Europe, taking on the role of EMEA chairman. Navigating the distinct challenges of these diverse regions, Dani leverages his extensive experience to identify commonalities and strengthen his teams. He compares his management approach to the art of running a kitchen, applying the lessons learned from overseeing MEA to his new European responsibilities while remaining flexible and open-minded.
LBB’s Olivia Atkins sat down with Dani to reflect on his achievements, discuss his future plans and delve into the daily operations and strategies that contribute to running such a large and successful network.

LBB> You’ve been with BBDO Middle East for over 35 years. How does it feel being with the network for such a long time? 

Dani> Let's just say I started when fax machines were high tech and shoulder pads were mandatory. Seriously though, the time has zipped by! What can I say, time sure does fly when you're surrounded by such a talented team. Honestly, I wouldn't have stuck around this long if I wasn't constantly learning and growing. BBDO's always pushed me to reach further, explore new avenues and never stop being curious. They've been incredibly supportive throughout my journey, and for that, I'm truly grateful.

LBB> As of last year, you expanded your patch to also cover Europe, what were the main differences to your role as chairman of MENA and of EMEA and how are you finding including Europe in your territory? 

Dani> After so many years in MEA, I got used to being right in the thick of things, like the head chef in a bustling kitchen. You’ve got to be hands-on, call the shots and keep the energy high. Europe's a different story – we have this incredible leadership team in place, so my role is more in the restaurant.

It's definitely been a shift in gears, going from being hands-on to more behind the scenes. But I love it. It lets me leverage all the knowledge I gained in MEA and empower our amazing European leaders to shine.

MEA's got this exciting blend of established players and hot new start-ups, each with their own cultural flair. Europe, on the other hand, is a more mature market, with more regulations and different ways of doing business. Lots to keep track of, but that's what keeps things interesting.

The key here is synergy. We can take the hunger and hustle of MEA's start-up scene and blend it with the expertise and established practices of Europe.

LBB> How would you describe your leadership style? 

Dani> I apologise if this sounds boastful, but I believe the most authentic representation of my leadership style comes from those I've had the privilege of working alongside. They often describe me as someone who sets the bar high. I expect excellence from my team and I, and I’m always pushing the envelope. But I also believe failure is an essential part of the learning process. It's okay to take calculated risks and make mistakes as long as we learn from them and come back stronger. Bouncing back is one of our core BBDO beliefs. I'm not afraid to call you out if you fall short, but I'm also your biggest cheerleader when you pick yourself up and try again.

Ultimately, I try to create an environment where we can all challenge ourselves, innovate, and achieve truly remarkable things. I foster a diverse and inclusive environment because I know a strong team isn't built on one brilliant mind, but on the collective power of a variety of strengths. There's a saying, 'none of us is as smart as all of us,' and that's the core principle I live by. By bringing together different perspectives and experiences, we can achieve far more than any individual ever could.


LBB> Prior to joining the C-suite, you used to work as a creative. What advice do you now give to creatives? 

Dani> Face the blank page when a deadline is looming. We've all been there, that mix of excitement and terror. But here's the secret: don't wait for perfection, just get those ideas down.

Brainstorming with others can be powerful – and it’s something Alex Osborn (the O in BBDO) advocated. Building on each other's ideas is like igniting a fire and can lead to truly incredible things.

Even if you don't have someone to bounce ideas with, consider using AI as a springboard. But remember to use it to tap into the 'best of yourself', spark new creative directions and challenge thinking.


LBB> You’re based in Dubai and I assume you must travel throughout the regions you cover, how much does Dubai and the EMEA region more generally inspire your outlook?

Dani> Being based in Dubai, at the heart of a dynamic crossroads, I'm immersed in the diverse EMEA region, which is a hub of innovation spanning advanced tech and sustainability.

Gulf countries are undergoing a transformative phase, fuelled by ambitious national visions, which materialise in the form of massive "giga-projects" – new cities, tourism centres, and advanced infrastructure – diversifying economies and preparing for the future.

In contrast, Europe prioritises incremental change and sustainability. Their projects focus on green technologies, social welfare and maintaining existing structures. This reflects established economies facing different challenges, like ageing populations, that require stability over rapid transformation.

This constant exposure to fresh ideas and diverse perspectives inspires me to think outside the box, lead with creativity and push boundaries in my own approach. The Middle East and Europe are taking contrasting paths to economic development, and we are at a fascinating vantage point.


LBB> You’ve previously spoken about the importance of building trust with clients and reducing drama internally, how do you achieve this in practice?

Dani> Trust and a harmonious work environment are essential in our industry. Over the years, I've learned that open and honest communication is the cornerstone of building trust with clients. We set clear expectations from the get-go and make sure they're always in the loop. We're not afraid to share hard truths, even if it's not what they want to hear. This might seem counterintuitive, but it actually builds credibility and means we’re all on the same page, which is crucial for successful collaborations.

Of course, trust isn't just about words; it's about actions. We strive to consistently deliver on our promises, whether it's meeting a tight deadline, staying within budget, or achieving ambitious campaign goals. We're also proactive, not just reactive. We try to anticipate potential issues before they become major problems, offering solutions before the client even realises there might be a challenge. We're genuinely invested in their success and willing to go the extra mile.

Internally, we firmly believe that "culture eats strategy for breakfast." It's a philosophy we live by, where our shared values and beliefs create a sense of community and purpose. At BBDO, we're all passionate about our work, striving for the same goals in a collaborative and drama-free environment, where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas, experimenting and pushing boundaries. We believe that work should be fun and rewarding.

LBB> What do you remember from your first day joining BBDO? Did you ever think you’d remain in the agency so long?

Dani> From the moment I stepped through the door at BBDO, I felt like I belonged. But in my early twenties, I wasn't exactly thinking about the long haul. I never imagined I'd still be here decades later.

But wow, have things changed. My roles, responsibilities, even the cities I've called home – it's been a whirlwind. The industry itself has completely transformed. The name on the door might be the same, but the way we work, the tools we use, and the challenges we face are totally different. It's been an amazing journey of growth and adaptation, and I'm so glad to be a part of it.

Even after all this time, I still get out of bed with the same enthusiasm as on day one. It feels like there's more to do, more to learn and create. I'm a long way from done and that's what keeps me going.

LBB> What do you think are the biggest changes affecting the industry today versus when you started out?

Dani> The advertising world has changed dramatically since I started out. Back then, it was all about crafting the perfect TV spot or print ad. Now, with the rise of digital, it's about creating a constant stream of engaging content across countless channels. The pace is relentless, and the need for innovation is non-stop.

We also have access to so much more data now. Instead of relying on focus groups, we can track consumer behaviour and preferences in real-time. This allows for incredibly targeted campaigns, but it also means we need to be more creative and strategic with how we use that data.

Technology has also transformed the way we work. Collaboration tools and AI-powered insights have made us more efficient, but they also demand that we constantly adapt and learn new skills.

In all this change, one thing remains constant: the power of ideas. It's thrilling to see ads that we’ve done from the last century go viral today, proving an idea’s timelessness. The beauty of the modern era is that we can now measure the impact of those ideas, tracking their influence on sales and brand equity with precision. That's what truly excites me — seeing how a well-crafted idea can resonate with audiences and drive tangible results, regardless of the platform or technology.


LBB> MEA has become more of a creative hub in recent years with the establishment of the Media City in KSA, Dubai and twofour54 in Abu Dhabi. How much do you think this has contributed to a rise and increased focus in tech- and innovation-led work?

Dani> The emergence of these creative hubs have undoubtedly fuelled a rise in tech- and innovation-led advertising in the MEA region. These hubs have become fertile ground for collaboration and idea exchange, pushing agencies to experiment with cutting-edge technologies and develop groundbreaking campaigns.

This creative boom has been further amplified by global clients establishing regional headquarters in the Gulf, demanding sophisticated, tech-savvy campaigns that resonate across diverse audiences. At the same time, Gulf-based brands are making their mark on the global stage, particularly in aviation and tourism, leading to high-profile campaigns that showcase the region's innovation and cultural richness.


LBB> You’ve been named as one of 'The World's 100 Most Influential Arabs’ (Arabian Business Magazine), Dubai Lynx Advertising Person of the Year (2018) and Arab Ad’s Man of the Year (2017), what do you hope to achieve with your influence? 

Dani> It's humbling to be recognised individually, but the real reward is the work we do as an agency, especially with purpose-driven campaigns that champion important causes. For me, winning a Grand Prix for Good and Glass Lions at Cannes or accolades such as the Immortal Awards with my team means far more than any personal recognition. It validates the power of creativity to inspire change and make a real impact on the world.

I still believe in advertising that can raise awareness, spark conversations and drive meaningful action. Whether it's advocating for environmental sustainability, promoting diversity and inclusion, or supporting social justice, we're committed to using our creativity for good.
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