Creative in association withGear Seven

Acer UK Invites Consumers to Swap ‘Arrrgh for Ahhhhh’ to Highlight Effortless User Experience

Advertising Agency
London, UK
McCann invites consumers to swap ‘arrrgh for ahhhhh' to highlight effortless user experience

Acer UK has launched its first above-the-line marketing campaign for Chromebook, in partnership with McCann Demand.

The digital and social campaign puts the focus firmly on the product to make it the obvious choice for consumers looking for an effortless experience.  Through a series of humorous films featuring comedy duo Stevie Martin and Lola-Rose Maxwell, the campaign targets laptop users putting up with poorly performing machines, demonstrating to them that there is a better alternative – the Acer Chromebook.

The ’swap arrrgh for ahhhhh' campaign is the first since McCann Demand was appointed by Acer UK in May 2022, with the team tasked with promoting the Acer Chromebook to a broad consumer audience.

Lucy Hudson, managing director from McCann Demand commented: “Most laptop users are familiar with the frustrations of slow machines, clunky actions and picking up viruses. In fact, our research found that most laptop users fell into the same pattern of staying slavishly loyal to their existing machines, holding on to them until they were literally unusable. Our strategic task was therefore to show our audiences that they could resolve the pain they were experiencing by switching to the Acer Chromebook – the better alternative.

“Our creative solution was rooted in comedy - the perfect way for us to highlight observed behaviours in laptop users. 'Swap arrrgh for ahhhhh' features comedy duo Stevie Martin and Lola-Rose Maxwell, who are already known for lampooning the inadequate, over-complicated aspects of technology, as they set up a comedic back and forth that shines a light on the effortless Acer Chromebook.”

Head of marketing at Acer UK, Tomek Szymański commented: “We have a broad audience in the UK with needs ranging from work through to play and entertainment. We therefore needed a campaign that would speak to all of these. This campaign from McCann does a great job in uniting these audiences in their common frustrations while drawing attention to the Chromebook’s product benefits such as virus protection, battery life, quick start time and connectivity.”

The ’swap arrrgh for ahhhhh' campaign runs from October through to January 2023 across a range of digital and social channels.

Agency / Creative