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AI Meets Emotion: MAD STARS 2024 Wraps with a Creative Bang in Busan

Award Shows and Festivals
Busan, South Korea
MAD STARS 2024 concluded in Busanthe with a deep dive into AI-driven innovation, emotional resonance in advertising, and global content production, reports LBB’s Tom Loudon
The final day of the 2024 MAD STARS Festival in Busan offered a comprehensive exploration of the intersection between AI and creativity.

Building on the themes from the previous days, Day 3 delved into innovative AI-driven marketing approaches, the importance of emotional resonance in advertising, and the evolution of global content production.

The day’s rich agenda, featuring thought leaders and industry pioneers, provided a thought-provoking conclusion to this year’s festival.

Fernando de Araujo Machado, operating partner at Garnett Station Partners, delivered the keynote “How Artificial Intelligence and Creativity Can Fuel Innovation.”

Fernando discussed AI’s transformative potential in unlocking new creative possibilities, emphasising the synergy between AI tools and human creativity.

“AI did not do it alone. You need creativity and human talent to make things happen,” Fernando said.

He presented the case studies for the "MayoHaters" campaign, in which die-hard mayonnaise haters were invited to try their product, “NotMayo.” He also presented the case study for “NotTurtle," an AI-driven campaign that helped protect endangered turtles from consumption.

While acknowledging AI's crucial role in these award-winning campaigns, Fernando also shared his perspective on AI's growing influence across various industries.

“Just like any other new tools or new technology, we need to identify rules and regulations for AI.”

He provided valuable insights into how AI can enhance creativity by working in tandem with human ingenuity.

Douglas Soares Menezes, executive creative director at Ogilvy, reflected on “20 Lessons Learned in 20 Years of Advertising.”

Douglas shared key lessons from his extensive career, focusing on resilience, adaptability, and a profound understanding of both the craft and people within the industry.

In the panel “From Play to Plai (Play with AI),” Edward Yan, head of brand department at New BlueDigital Marketing Group, explored how AI is reshaping interactive experiences between brands and consumers.

Edward highlighted the shift from traditional marketing to engaging, AI-driven interactions that foster greater emotional resonance, detailing how AI enhances consumer engagement and transforms brand interactions.

“Building an Emotional Infrastructure: Behind the Grand Prix-Winning Works” featured Mariko Fukuoka, creative director at DENTSU INC.

Mariko shared insights into the emotional strategies behind award-winning campaigns, explaining how to connect with audiences on a deeper level in an AI-driven world.

The session provided a comprehensive look at how emotional strategies can significantly impact consumer behaviour.”

Hyungjoon Park, head of global production division at Planit Production, led the discussion “Global Content Gladiator: How to Fight, Survive, and Win as a Producer.”

Hyungjoon discussed the challenges and strategies for creating globally resonant content, supported by case studies showcasing successful global content strategies.

Gabriel Lora, VP of strategy & digital transformation at FCB Newlink, explored “Everything Starts with a Pixel: Unleashing Human (and No-Human) Creativity.”

Gabriel discussed how Pixel Hub integrates AI to enhance marketing services, sharing real-world success stories and the potential of AI to drive creative results.

The talk highlighted AI’s revolutionary impact on marketing services and its role in boosting creative outcomes.”

Masatoshi Usami, senior creative director at TBWA\HAKUHODO, delved into the innovative “Shellmet” project with his panel “How Can an Agency Be Innovative? - The Shellmet Story.”

Masatoshi explained how a single social media post inspired a Grand Prix-winning campaign and how agencies can cultivate innovation.

Sungwon Kim, chief executive officer at M&M Networks, showcased “The D’ooh is a Full-stack Platform Connecting All Digital Outdoor Advertising Media Worldwide.”

Sungwon demonstrated how the D’ooh platform integrates global digital outdoor advertising systems, enhancing media connectivity.

In the evening, the festival presented the ADSTARS awards, at which Gold, Silver, and Bronze trophies and Crystal certificates were awarded across six groups of categories, as were the Grands Prix of the Year.

The Grand Prix of the Year in Product & Service was awarded to Dentsu Inc., Japan for My Japan Railway of JR Group.

The Grand Prix of the Year in Public Service Advertising was awarded to Impact BBDO, United Arab Emirates, for Child Wedding Cards of UN Women.

Executive juror Matt MacDonald, chief creative officer, BBDO New York, said, “It's amazing to see how a 150-year-old rail service can be transformed through the power of brilliant design. My Japan Railway fundamentally changed how people experienced rail travel in Japan, making it more fun, beautiful, and connected. It raises the bar for all of us."

"Child Wedding Cards is an incredibly powerful example of how even the simplest ideas can have an enormous impact. These simple cards, made by children, had the power to influence the Federal Islamic Court to pave the way for Pakistan to raise the minimum age for marriage.”

As the festival concludes, attendees leave with a refreshed perspective on how technology and creativity can converge to shape the advertising industry's future.

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