Creative in association withGear Seven

alma Addresses Misleading Perceptions about Vaping on Social Media

Advertising Agency
Miami, USA
The work is for THE FACTS NOW, a division of Tobacco Free Florida that helps current smokers quit

alma, the Miami-based creative shop best known for campaigns like Better with Pepsi and Coors Light Iceman to Canton, has launched new work for THE FACTS NOW, a division of Tobacco Free Florida that helps current smokers quit.  

While researching the target audience, alma found that even though gen Z craves authenticity on social media, most people who vape never show the real-world consequences of vaping to their viewers. Instead, we only see the “cool” side of the habit - something this campaign shines a light on.

“Behind The Screen” addresses misleading perceptions about vaping on social media, and how it can make teens think nicotine doesn’t physically, mentally, and emotionally impact their health. The further the spot goes on, the truth is revealed.

The video shows young teens scrolling on their phones, watching their peers post day-to-day content, often with a vape in hand. This is quickly juxtaposed by the influencers transition into their real life- where they’re dealing with nicotine withdrawals, mood swings, anxiety and more. It ends saying “nobody posts how bad their addiction is, so don’t fall for everything you see on your feed.”

In addition to the :60s spot, alma created a fully integrated campaign with additional :30s ads. 

The :30s ads and campaign will launch in different batches, with the first going live in June.

The goal of the campaign is simple: help teens see past social media’s glorification of vaping, so they can immediately spot the deception and understand the reality behind the posts.

“Behind The Screen” launched June 17 across OTT & streaming video, OLV, radio & streaming audio, digital, social, search, and website optimizations.

This campaign follows recent work alma has done for THE FACTS NOW, including Textimonials, which delivered anti-vaping testimonials from former vapers.

This new campaign comes hot on the heels of alma’s recent repositioning as The Ungeneral agency. This insight-driven work is a perfect example of how the agency digs into culture to find insights that resonate.

“As an agency based in Miami, we have a special place in our hearts for the work we get to do with Tobacco Free Florida,” said Alvar Suñol, chief creative officer and co-president at alma. “Social media has had a positive impact on so many young people’s lives, but it’s also exposed U.S. teens to content that doesn’t paint a realistic picture of addition. Authenticity and transparency can inspire action, and if our campaigns can help reach one person and show them how social media can leave out important information, we can raise awareness among teens and help make a difference.”

“Vaping by our middle and high schoolers across Florida has come down from its recent meteoric rise, in large part due to sustained education and awareness initiatives much like this new campaign,” said Laura Corbin, bureau chief for Tobacco Free Florida. "Continuing these concerted efforts to reach young Floridians where they get information and cultural input – which we know more than ever is through their phones and devices – can help keep them informed of the dangers of vaping and protect their health in the long run."

Agency / Creative
Work from Alma
Behind the Screen
Tobacco Free Florida
Behind the Road Trip
Tobacco Free Florida
Behind the Ball
Tobacco Free Florida