Behind the Work in association withThe Immortal Awards

Amica and Mother Show Why It’s Important to Be More Human

Advertising Agency
Brooklyn, USA
The insurance company and its creative agency partner, Mother New York, tell LBB’s Ben Conway about the brand’s recent work focusing on a personal touch and empathy

“We’re increasingly digitally connected… But with all the advantages of technology, we’ve lost some of the personal connections we once had with each other.”

This is the insight behind Amica Insurance’s latest campaign, ‘More Human’. Created with Mother New York, the anthem film expands on the insurer’s 'Empathy is our best policy’ platform, showing how human connection is all the more important in an increasingly digital world.

Directed by Love Song’s Diego Contreras, the film’s relatable stories reflect today’s busy and technologically interconnected world; people distracted by work at the dinner table, staring endlessly into their phones and avoiding interpersonal communication at the shops, or when ordering food. The spot’s frantic pace comes to a head with a literal car crash, flipping the tone of the ad when a genuine, human Amica call operator responds to a customer in need. Then, a series of heartwarming moments follow, where human interaction prevails.

To explore how this campaign came to be, and why Amica is using human connection to stand out in its category, LBB’s Ben Conway spoke with Tory Pachis, senior vice president of marketing and communications at Amica Insurance, and Mother New York’s creatives, Amanda Winch and Penelope Vasquez.

LBB> This film expands on Amica’s new ‘Empathy is our best policy.' platform - tell us what the starting point for this film was! 

Tory> With technology, automation and AI dominating headlines, we wanted to highlight and further define what empathy means to our customers in a way that breaks through the noise of everyday life. We wanted to emphasise human connection, which we see as our competitive advantage and [is] something we’re known for throughout the industry. Our partners at Mother were able to tap into this insight in ‘More Human’.

Amanda and Penelope> When we started concepting for the film, we talked at length about our own experiences. What does real help really look like? What does it feel like? Almost unanimously, we agreed that calling for help and having a human pick up [the phone] felt instantly comforting and increasingly rare. Human connection is something Amica uniquely values, and we saw that as incredibly valuable for Amica to own. 

LBB> How did you develop the different moments of human connection we see in the spot? How did you ensure the examples were relatable?

Amanda and Penelope> Subtlety is key! Humanity is full of nuance. As the adage states, ‘It’s not always what you say, but how you say it’. It was important for us to have the moments feel sincere and relatable, not just tropes. We knew anything that felt hollow or heavy-handed wouldn’t land right with us or anybody watching. We also looked to speak to people with different lifestyles and at various stages in life so anyone watching could see themselves in the situations portrayed.

Tory> As we came together with the team at Mother and looked at the different scenarios they proposed, we had some great conversations about our individual experiences. These scenarios can look different in urban settings versus suburban or rural settings, and from family to family. We wanted to make sure that our messaging would resonate regardless of where you’re located or based on personal experiences. In the end, we think we struck the right balance. 

LBB> Were there any personal moments or insights that you brought to the project from your own experience?

Amanda and Penelope> There’s a very palpable undercurrent today, something we think everyone can feel. We’re increasingly digitally connected, and our access feels more unlimited than ever before - so much so that we actually set screen time limits for ourselves. But with all the advantages of technology, we’ve lost some of the personal connections we once had with each other. The face-to-face, the more unscripted, instinctive human moments feel less expected yet more important than ever before.

Tory> We share Mother’s perspective on the current state of the world and human interaction. As we created this messaging, we drew inspiration from the personalised service provided by Amica’s frontline employees. This helped us drive home a message around the importance of the personal touch in moments when you need help.

LBB> How long has Mother been partnered with Amica? What have been some of the most fulfilling moments of that relationship so far - and what’s the key to your successful collaboration?

Tory> Amica and Mother have been partnered since 2022. Together, we completed a total rebrand, including a new logo (only the fifth in Amica’s 117-year history) and the launch of the ‘Empathy is our best policy’ platform. The most rewarding moments come when either Amica customers or employees have meaningful connections with the messaging we’ve created. Amica’s employees have really rallied around the concept of empathy because it rings true with what they do every day. And many customers have commented about the authenticity of the campaign messaging after they’ve experienced Amica’s service. 

LBB> Why were Love Song and Diego Contreras the perfect production partners for this piece? How closely did you work with them to develop the idea?

Amanda and Penelope> Diego is one of the most collaborative and emotionally intuitive directors we’ve enjoyed working with. He’s endlessly creative and inspired, applauding the strengths and contributions of others to create a sense of teamwork and optimism on set. We worked closely with him at every step, from pre-production through finishing. His strengths, both as a director and as an individual, are so evident in the spirit and thoughtful execution of the film.

Tory> We couldn’t agree more - Diego was fantastic to work with and really brought our message to life. We’re thankful for the opportunity to work with him and his creative vision. 

LBB> Were you on set at all? If so, were there any valuable lessons learned or interesting moments from that experience that you can share?

Amanda and Penelope> We shot in a ton of locations and captured so much in a short time. To us, this was a lesson to thank your producers thoroughly. They move mountains in a matter of minutes. Creatively, we learned so much about the balance of planning and pivoting. A solid plan, a talented team, and the ability to problem-solve on the spot are part of the recipe for success. And shoot a ton; when you have so many assets to create, a lot of fresh footage is your best friend in the edit.

Tory> Several Amica staff members had the opportunity to be at this fast-moving production, and it was awesome to see the Mother team and Love Song work together so seamlessly. I think we all gained a new appreciation for what it takes to put something like this together.

LBB> The campaign also had 15-second product-focused cut-downs and display advertising - what was the strategy behind this, and Media by Mother’s media plan?

Tory> As Amica works to build brand awareness, consistency in our presentation and messaging is important to make an impression. Our 15-second auto, home and life spots connect thematically with our anthem spot, while also providing more details about the products we offer and how they can help consumers at various stages of life.

LBB> What was the hardest challenge you faced on this campaign - and how did you overcome it?

Tory> As a company that offers digital service and leverages technology to benefit our customers, it was important to us that these messages didn’t come across as anti-tech. We wanted to provide a realistic take on the current state of things while emphasising the positive and powerful impact of human connection.

Amanda and Penelope> There’s a delicate balance between critique and encouragement. We wanted to applaud the good in human nature while making visible the burdens we share. It’s a challenge to walk that line, but it's a good one. 

LBB> What can we expect from Mother and Amica going forward? Is there anything in the works already?

Tory> Amica and Mother will continue working together to drive awareness of the Amica brand in new and creative ways. One thing you can count on is that we’ll continue to highlight things that make Amica stand out in the industry.

Agency / Creative
Work from Mother in the USA
Seventh Generation
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