Creative in association withGear Seven

ANZ Work of the Month: June

London, UK
LBB’s Casey Martin explores the creative work of BMF, DDB Melbourne, Thinkerbell, Howatson+Company, and Bear Meets Eagle On Fire

This month the entire industry was focused on Cannes, and LBB’s ANZ work of the month features some of 2025 contenders, we’re sure of it. 

With puppets, budgie smugglers, and the hidden dangers of social media, this month's selection proves that advertising can span across a million different sectors. 

The work featured has been created by Bear Meets Eagle on Fire, Howatson + Company, Thinkerbell, DDB Melbourne, and BMF. 

Telstra - ‘Better on a Better Network’-  Bear Meets Eagle On Fire, +61

What can be said about this campaign that hasn’t already been posted on Linkedin, written in newsletters, email chains, and talked about around the watercooler in the office? 

It’s a wonderfully crafted campaign, simple and straight to the point. It celebrates Australia and an Australian icon, Telstra, with characters that you know and love from the towns you grew up in. 

To demonstrate a product through stop motion and a mockumentary style film, it’s easy to fall in love with the creatures that are letting audiences know that they are better connected with Telstra. 

Allianz - ‘Go Australiaahhh’ - Howatson + Company 

With the Olympics around the corner, this spot by Howatson+Company captures that all encompassing feeling of being a supporter to a tee. 

Aussies are known for their love of sport and deep pride in the wins of their fellow Australian athletes. It captures that edge of your seat feeling when an athlete is just seconds away from winning gold. The music swells as the crowd cheers and the subtle branding of Ahhhhhhh-llianz is incorporated seamlessly into the spot. 

felix mobile - ‘Not all Talk’ - Thinkerbell 

It’s not every day that a telco provides a real point of difference when it comes to their offering. Felix mobile on the other hand are front and centre with their do-good, leave the world better than we found it attitude. 

Thinkerbell helped bring the ‘Spokes-tree’ to life and naturally, his name is Felix. He is part puppet, all tree and has a dry yet incredibly witty sense of humour that makes audiences smile. 

A cheeky sense of self for a brand who are doing the world some good is exactly what is needed to push felix mobile into the market.  

British Paints - You’re Better Off With British Paints - DDB Melbourne 

This is the type of spot I remember seeing growing up. Quick, to the point and pushing the envelope just enough to ensure you remember it. 

The punchline of each rendition of the spot comes at you quickly and is outrageous enough to stick in your mind next time you are choosing paints at Bunnings. I’m sure that flashes of bad tattoos and way too tight budgie smugglers will pop into the minds of everyone. 

This is the craft of commercial comedy at its simplest and most effective. 

Department of Social Services- ‘The Hidden Trends of Disrespect’ - BMF 

Attempting to tackle something as huge as social media is no easy feat. It is easy to demonstrate and blame social media for a rise in unrealistic beauty standards, eating disorders and cyber-bullying. We’ve been waging that war for years. 

However, attempting to bring to light the hidden dangers of social media, the alpha male podcasts spouting anti-women nonsense and encouraging domestic violence is hidden entirely in plain sight and much harder to control. 

BMF and the Department of Social Services have created a spot that shoves this issue right in the face of parents who otherwise might be none the wiser. It provides a platform to explore this hidden world that can be found amongst the algorithm. 

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