Creative in association withGear Seven

Archer’s Mark Director William Williamson Helms New UNICEF Campaign Through FCB Inferno

Production Company
London, United Kingdom
Campaign puts pressure on UK Home Secretary to fix refugee family reunion law
Four new films for Unicef UK break today,  encouraging people to sign a petition to call on the Home Secretary to urgently fix the refugee family reunion law. Directed by Archer’s Mark director William Williamson and cast using real refugees, all non actors. 
Today, FCB Inferno launch four new films for Unicef UK as part of their campaign platform "A Child Is A Child". The films celebrate the vital and loving roles played by aunts, brother, uncles and sister and highlights the absurdity and dangers of excluding them within the current refugee family reunion laws.  The films call on the public to sign a petition, asking the government to stop keeping families apart.
Right now the UK’s refugee family reunion law is keeping children apart from their family. No child should be without the protection and love of those willing to care for them. Under the current law, children have to make their own way to Europe to be able to reunite with aunts, uncles, grandparents and older siblings waiting for them in the UK. Children fleeing war and persecution shouldn’t have to make these needless, dangerous and often deadly journeys. A child is a child, no matter where they come from or where they are going. By making a simple but vital change to our own law, the Home Secretary can ensure they are reunited with their families safely and legally from where they are, instead of having to risk their lives with traffickers and smugglers in order to reach Europe. Unicef UK is asking the UK public to sign a petition calling on the Home Secretary to fix the refugee family reunion rules so that the world’s most vulnerable children can be safe with their loved ones in the UK.
The films are released as a part of Unicef UK’s campaign to protect children who have been displaced from their homes and to change perceptions of refugee and migrant children. Around the world, nearly 50 million children are living outside of their country of birth or are displaced within their own country, and at least 28 million of these children were driven from their homes by war and conflict.
Sign the petition to fix the law that is keeping families apart here.
Agency / Creative
Agency / Creative