Creative in association withGear Seven

BBDO Singapore and OMD Enable Covid-19 Survivors to Voice Their Gratitude for Front-liners

Advertising Agency
Singapore, Singapore
Shot through FaceTime, the posters show appreciation for ambulance drivers, nurses, doctors and housekeeping staff during the pandemic

Covid-19 survivors in Singapore have been given the opportunity to share their stories, experiences and most importantly, share their appreciation for the medical staff and other front-liners who cared for them.

In a time where case numbers have become the centre of attention in Singapore, this anonymous initiative by BBDO Singapore with OMD set out to put faces, and voices to those numbers, and take it beyond just statistics.

Titled #BeyondTheCase, the initiative portrayed a series of posters of the photographed survivors, accompanied by their personal testimony, and heartfelt messages of gratitude. The posters aim to show appreciation, and inspire and encourage healthcare workers and hospital staff around Singapore during this difficult time. Some of the posters mention the heroic ambulance drivers, nurses, doctors, and even housekeeping staff who directly impacted survivors.

In order to maintain safe distancing measures, BBDO Singapore partnered with Belgian photographer Jef Boes to conduct the ‘photoshoot’. He shot each survivor through FaceTime on his iPad. BBDO Singapore worked with EG+ to create the final artwork.

The posters were then launched in tandem with the end of the Circuit Breaker, and entry into Phase 1, as activities resume safely and the public return to take to the streets to witness these stories. In order for these messages of gratitude to reach front-liners in the community, it was vital that the posters were located near hospitals. So, OMD solicited over 300 media spaces from Clear Channel Singapore and placed the posters at bus and taxi shelters specifically situated near hospitals around Singapore.

“This is our way to contribute to the wonderful efforts of Singapore and its front-liners”, says Nick Morrell, managing director of BBDO Singapore. He added: “It’s a beautiful collection of stories that will touch your heart, and hopefully touch the hearts of all front-liners and hospital staff who are doing such an amazing job. I’m proud of our team for helping voice the thanks of survivors. If it makes even just one of our wonderful nurses smile, it’s done its job.”

Chloe Neo, managing director of OMD Singapore, commented: “When BBDO proposed a collaboration to share inspirational stories and celebrate our frontline heroes, we said yes within a heartbeat. Given our strong partnership with Clear Channel over the years, we knew they would be keen to come on board to really bring this campaign to life in an impactful way. Many of our OMDers have family members or friends who are working on the frontline, as do our clients and many Singaporeans. #BeyondTheCase is a manifestation of our – and all Singaporeans’ – deep respect and heartfelt appreciation for each and every one of them.”

Mateusz Mroszczak, ECD of BBDO Singapore mentioned: “The healthcare workers deserve all the credit in the world, and although it’s something simple, we hope that every one of them seeing this will feel inspired and realise how much the nation values them.”

Agency / Creative