Company Profiles in association withLBB Pro

HoMie Creative and Truce Partner for Good

Production Company
Melbourne, Australia
HoMie Creative and Truce are a world-class, people-first production studio, writes LBB’s Casey Martin
We’ve all heard the saying, ‘leave the world better than you found it’ and we are all doing everything within our power to do so. 

We recycle and we donate to charities or op-shops. We cook food for those grieving or who have just had a baby. We smile at strangers. We are kind by nature.  

Or at least that is the hope. 

HoMie Creative and Truce have combined the powers of creativity and production to create support for young people experiencing homelessness. Together, they are doing what they do best and converting those efforts into said hope. 

HoMie Creative started off as a streetwear label and social enterprise, where 100% of their profits go towards support for young people affected by homelessness or hardship. 

As partners with Truce, they have turned their streetwear label into ‘an industry-first production studio for good.’ HoMie Creative has already supported over 3000 young people, and this number will surely grow rapidly during this new adventure. 

LBB’s Casey Martin spoke with Elise Trenorden and Michael Ciccone from Truce and Stephanie Say, Kirsten Biacsi and the rest of the HoMie team about what this means for the future of both businesses. 

LBB> How will this partnership enhance both businesses? 

HoMie> With the support of Truce’s incredible roster of talent and wealth of industry experience, we’re able to extend our creative production offering. HoMie Creative helps to diversify our revenue stream, and creative opportunities for further impact in our work. So far HoMie has supported more than 3250 young people through our programs, and we’re hoping this venture allows us to continually increase that number further. 

In time, we hope to be having conversations about work-integration opportunities for the young people we exist to support. Watch this space! 

Truce> Partnering with a social enterprise like HoMie Creative is pretty special and a rare opportunity. Knowing that every single job we’re producing with them, no matter what client, goes towards supporting young people affected by homelessness or hardship, makes all the hard work worth it. It’s not just about promotion, 100% of HoMie Creative profit goes directly towards their mission. I don’t think I’ve heard of anything like it before. 

LBB> When deciding to partner with someone, how did you know that Truce/HoMie were the right people? 

HoMie> At HoMie, we’re thrilled to partner with a production company that shares our values and wants to do business differently. That’s pretty much the approach that underpins our organisation as a social enterprise, and we are thrilled to have such a people-first partner. 

Besides an obvious value-alignment, we’re blown away by the quality and breadth of Truce’s work in this space. Their approach to projects feel familiar to us; a crew of hard-working and strategic problem solvers who operate with responsibility and integrity. It was a real no-brainer for us. 

Truce> We’ve known about HoMie for a while and have been huge fans of what they’ve been doing in Melbourne. Funnily enough, our EP was at an advertising industry event wearing the brand when one of the HoMie board members walked up to her and complimented her on her excellent choice of hat. That’s really when the conversation started. While we’ve supposed that brand as a consumer in the past - now we get to take it up a notch by supporting this new venture and powering up their production capabilities. 

LBB> How does this affect the current state of the two businesses?

HoMie> This partnership plugs directly into our current strategic growth mindset at HoMie; both from a business and impact perspective. We want to level up our operations by playing to our strengths and supporting more young people. And we’re not afraid to do things differently to get there. 

Truce> As for Truce, we have a pretty successful commercial + TV and film production business that has enabled us to take on HoMie Creative projects. For us, it’s not necessarily about growth but knowing that we are promoting positive change and supporting a great initiative. We’re putting our margin where our mouth is when we say that we are a ‘production company for the people.’ 

LBB> What is the most exciting element about this new partnership?

HoMie> As a registered social enterprise, we have the ability to engage with different budgets than a standard production partner. Under the social procurement framework, clients can leverage their social responsibility budget to access world-class production, using their spending for good. It’s a unique and industry-first offering that we know will appeal to various clients - and something that agencies can learn more about. 

LBB> What message do you want to send to the advertising industry?

HoMie> We’re here to prove that the marketing and advertising industry can have an impact and give back in meaningful ways. 

HoMie Creative offers a way for the industry to engage a social enterprise for something they already need - their work, decisions and partnerships are all opportunities for good. And we’re stoked to lead that shift alongside Truce. Through this venture, we’re creating a new pathway for businesses to have a real, positive impact on their community, making it even easier to do some good as part of their day-to-day by choosing HoMie Creative for their next project. 

Truce> The adage of doing good work with good people has never been truer. If you’re a creative agency that wants to continue to make really great work, but you know that at the same time you’re supporting young people facing hardship, hit us up. 

The production budget will end up back on screen, and HoMie creative production fee will go straight back into their incredible mission to support thousands of young people. 

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