The Sustainability Channel in association withLBB & Friends Beach

Impact Media Foundation 5 Supports Sustainable Solutions to Scale

Marketing & PR
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Launches open call for projects

Have you ever been triggered by an inspiring story, and wanted to get straight to action, but not known where or how to offer your help? 5 is a new impact media foundation connecting people, ideas and resources to drive a sustainable future forward - and is currently scouting for projects. 

Launched in 2020 by philanthropist and impact investor Laura DeVere, 5 is born from an awareness that change is needed now, and yet there is a gap in action; solution-holders aren’t gaining the support they need, while many individuals are looking for a way to contribute to a better world. 

Matching promising solutions with opportunities for growth

5 tackles this gap by matching promising solutions with opportunities for growth - and is launching 2021 by actively scouting for new projects to fund and support. The foundation is offering 10 grants of up to €100,000 per year, awarded to initiatives that are set to pave the way for a more sustainable future. 

Credit: Gunnar Knechtel for 5 Media. Portraits Espigoladors. Barcelona, near Barcelona, volunteer Trinidad Varo helping to pick pumpkins.

Executive director, Mie Dahlquist, explains 5’s theory of change: “We want to connect thinkers and doers as some have the means, while others have the ideas; our role at 5 is to connect the right people with the right resources in order to make change happen. Not in some distant future, but today, because time is not on our side to reinvent our systems and to future-proof our world. Ultimately we want to create a community of engaged people who want to collaborate with us to build a sustainable future.”

Creating impact through storytelling and community 

As a foundation, what sets 5 apart is its dedicated editorial team led by editor-in-chief, Thomas Loudon, former correspondent for Dutch national TV news NOS, focussing on two key themes: 'conscious capitalism’ and ‘nature calling'. 5 explores these themes through written editorial, photography, events, podcasts and video. 

Thomas says: “Storytelling is the most powerful tool we have to create awareness of promising solutions that are already being developed. Critical questions must be addressed about the future of our planet, while highlighting the incredible efforts of those involved in creating the answers. The inspiration people get from others will drive our community to get involved by supporting projects with their time, talent or resources too.”

The power of many to drive change forward​

The first 5 grant has been awarded in 2020 to non-profit Espigalodors, an organisation fighting food waste while providing opportunities to enhance social inclusion in Spain. More than just providing funds, 5 is simultaneously exploring the concept of food waste through its editorial platform and inviting readers to contribute by donating to support the project too. Read more about the project here

Applications are open to initiatives with a proven track record spanning social enterprises, charitable initiatives, community projects, foundations and businesses that have a positive impact in general. 

To submit your project for consideration, apply at by March 31st 2021.

Work from The Humblebrag