Location Spotlight in association withLBB & Friends Beach

Lucky Luciano’s Location Spotlight: Kitchen Studios

Production Company
Warsaw, Poland
The production company launches the first in a new series that provides valuable insights into shooting across Poland
With an ethos of ‘every detail matters’, award-winning production company Lucky Luciano knows exactly how to craft compelling content for a global collection of clients. Now, with a brand-new location spotlight series, the team is sharing valuable insights and advice on how to make the most of shooting across Poland. 

Check out the first installation below, as we dive into how to use kitchen studios to your best advantage. 

Lucky Luciano's commercial for hohes C, making use of a kitchen studio

The kitchen is the heart of every home. Consequently, this special room often takes centre stage in ads. However, on-location shoots can be challenging and company moves consume significant time, making it costly.

The obvious alternative is to build sets, but recreating the natural atmosphere and patina of a real-life kitchen is challenging. Years of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners contribute to the unique feel of an authentic location. 

A selection of kitchen studios on offer in Poland

On the other hand, opting for a set build provides the flexibility to create environments that don't exist in reality and ample space for the camera. However, this process is expensive and requires more preparation time. Additionally, it carries a significant environmental footprint.

Fortunately, there's a middle-ground solution: studios with permanent, modular, adjustable sets. Poland offers several readily available options - these spaces present extreme flexibility, with almost all parts interchangeable. On-site movable prop walls, windows, and doors facilitate easy arrangement and rearrangement, allowing the "location" to appear different each time and offer more space for the camera. Furthermore, these studios maintain well-stocked prop storage, providing all necessary utensils and kitchen accessories.

In addition to the benefits for filming, there are logistical advantages - easy parking and minimal disruption to neighbours due to lights, noises, or commotion. Moreover, this solution minimises environmental impact by utilising cleaner electricity from the grid, avoiding wastage of set build materials, and eliminating the need to transport props.

Even more studios on offer across the country 

But what if more than a kitchen is needed? 

Some studios provide additional bathrooms or living rooms, there is even a house designed specifically for filming. It includes two differently styled kitchens with the option to add more, highly adjustable rooms, wardrobe and makeup facilities, a client room with garden access, and a swimming pool.

All of the studios are conveniently located close to the centre of Warsaw, making it easy to combine city locations with interior shots. This solution can condense two shooting days into one. 

An example of a full house studio - designed specifically for filming

Maybe a studio-location hybrid like this could be the way to go for your next project?
Work from Lucky Luciano
Seaside and Lakes 2
Lucky Luciano
Seaside and Lakes 1
Lucky Luciano
Big Mac
McDonald's Poland