Creative in association withGear Seven

Menstrual Pains? An Orgasm Might Help, Says Pornhub

Advertising Agency
Madrid, Spain
Pornhub launches ‘Fuck Your Period’ via Officer & Gentleman - a campaign that takes on the controversial issue of period sex
Pornhub launched a controversial campaign today that aims to encourage women to masturbate while on their periods in order to enjoy the many benefits of a menstrual orgasm. And the site is going to provide them with free adult content to help.

While the women of the world may be in unanimous agreement that periods can be a real bitch, recent surveys show that they’re divided almost evenly over one very controversial issue: Period sex. Pornhub’s latest campaign, appropriately titled ‘Fuck Your Period’, wants to send a powerful and informative message to all those women that prefer not to have intercourse during menstruation: Orgasms can bring you some much needed relief during your period and you don’t need to have sex to have one. 

Many people aren’t aware, but there are actually benefits to having an orgasm during menstruation. For instance, they can decrease uterine pain by releasing dopamine and oxytocin and can even reduce the overall length of your cycle. In order to help them get in the mood for some much needed sexual healing, Pornhub is giving away free access to Pornhub Premium (their HD streaming service) to all woman for the duration of their periods. Because an orgasm a day keeps the Midol away. 

To make sure that those in need get their premium adult content right when they need it, Pornhub launched On the site, users are prompted to answer some simple questions about their cycle in order calculate the arrival and length of their next period. When that day arrives, they will receive an email giving them full access to Pornhub Premium for the remainder of their period. On the site, users can also find other tips to help relieve menstrual pains. 

To get the word out about the initiative, Pornhub created a SFW animated video. But we warn you: you’ll find no trace of the infamous blue liquid here: 

The campaign comes at a time when the conventional thinking about how we talk about menstruation and feminine hygiene products is evolving. Not surprisingly, Pornhub is also a firm believer that the time has come to take a step forward and leave behind all those absurd clichés about menstruation in advertising: that means no more euphemisms, no more dancing girls, women on horseback or swimming pools of any kind. And no more damn blue liquid. Because we need to stop seeing menstruation as a red mark on your record, and start seeing it as a red badge of courage to do what feels good. Period.
“This is our first campaign targeted solely to women and it takes on a topic that we think a lot of brands tiptoe around,” says Pornhub brand manager Alexandra Klein “But it’s a topic that women themselves are completely comfortable discussing and even joking about. Pornhub is all about breaking taboos and starting conversations, and we think this one was way overdue.”
The campaign was created by Pornhub’s long-time creative agency Officer & Gentleman, who are responsible for the brand’s overall strategy and their most viral campaigns including the kinetic wearable The Wankband, their recent ‘Sex Instruments’ song and music video to promote Pornhub’s new line of sex toys and their wildly popular Christmas ads, amongst other initiatives. 
Agency / Creative
Music / Sound
Work from Officer & Gentleman
The Cl*toris Conquest
Gaming for All
Opera GX