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Plant Based Bacon Brand La Vie Announces Venture into the Meat Market

Marketing & PR
London, UK
April Fools Day campaign sees the brand launch ground breaking meaty sub-brand 'La Mort'

Today, leading plant-based bacon brand, La Vie, has announced a revolutionary new innovation, set to shake up the food industry. The news sees La Vie becoming the first plant-based brand to venture into the meat market, announcing an entirely new offering, La Mort. In celebration of the launch, Nicolas Schweitzer, CEO of La Vie, presents the idea in a short video that further explains the move to cement itself as a key player in food - both vegan and non-vegan.

After having its motives questioned for creating a product so similar to meat for some time now, La Vie is fed up with defending itself for replicating what makes meat so delicious… just without the pig. Growing tired of the backlash and speculation, La Vie has decided to give in and let go. As they say: if you can’t beat them, join them. 

Nicolas Schweitzer, CEO of La Vie commented, “Just look at the numbers: 99% of the meat consumed today is of animal origin. For us, launching La Mort is a no-brainer. The advantage is that 80 billion animals are killed each year for this industry: say goodbye to raw material shortage!" 

It only takes looking at the statistics across the industry to understand the business move for La Vie. Animal meat emits 80% more CO2 emissions across the world than plant-based meat and - after all, the more the better right? In addition to that, animal meat has up to twice as many ingredients compared to the plant-based bacon initially produced by the brand. Twice the ingredients means twice the value for money! La Mort is so committed to satisfying its loyal fans and consumers that you won’t have to wait for products to hit shelves, appearing from Saturday, 1st April.

By this point you may be a little confused about the launch of La Mort so… Happy April Fool’s! 

The meat-free brand is in fact remaining meat-free and has launched this campaign to highlight the advantages of meat substitutes. La Vie wants to show consumers that you can still enjoy the taste of meat with its products - which are better for the planet, the pigs and our health. Showcasing its bold nature, the disruptive parody video looks to be both educational and informative, all while leaning into its quirky and cheeky tone of voice. 

"Our plant-based bacon responds to a growing awareness of the importance of sustainable food. Intensive farming is responsible for more than 14% of CO2 emissions worldwide, so we wanted to take advantage of 'April Fool's Day' to educate and resonate with our consumers through humour. Watch this space for more REAL product launches which we will be unveiling in the next few months!" explains Nicolas Schweitzer. 

With its unique taste that mirrors that of pork-based bacon, La Vie aims to bring together all consumers with its healthier, more sustainable, and tasty alternatives to intensive farming. The mission that the start-up pursues is to evolve consumers from animal to plant-based with a big smile on their faces and a little grease on their fingertips!

Available at Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Ocado and Burger King, La Vie is bringing meat-free bacon to the masses. .

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