Creative in association withGear Seven

Pornhub and Adult Legend Nina Hartley Launch the First Ever Sex Ed Video for Senior Citizens

Advertising Agency
Madrid, Spain
The ad by Creative agency Officer & Gentleman, who're responsible for Pornhub’s brand strategy, adds another memorable spot to their portfolio
Seniors are adorable: They say whatever’s on their mind. They play bridge. They bake delicious muffin. And they have sex. Lots and lots of sex.

Contrary to what many of us may think, sexual desire does'n ́t diminish with age. In fact, it’s one of the last functions people lose in their golden years. Add to that increased life expectancy, advances in healthcare and drugs that can combat a range of sexual dysfunctions and you can see why these days more than 50% of the residents of retirement communities affirm to having an active sex life. Yes, grandma’s getting it on. The problem? Because they’re not concerned with unwanted pregnancies, and many missed out on the push for sexual education in the 80s and 90s, a large number are having unprotected sex. As a result, many retirement communities have become hotbeds for sexually transmitted diseases. 

You might say “At their age, they should know better!” but the truth of the matter is there’s still a stigma surrounding sex and seniors with even doctors and other healthcare professionals failing to routinely check the elderly for STDs. And the figures don’t lie: In the last decade, the number of Chlamydia infections among people over 65 rose by over 30%, and new cases of Syphilis by over 50%. And according to the CDC, in that same period the rate of HIV infection in the US in people over the age of 65 increased by over 40%. 

With the goal of combatting this veritable epidemic, Pornhub Cares teamed up with legendary adult actress and sexual educator Nina Hartley to create Old School: the first sex ed video targeted specifically to men and women over 65. 

This 15-minute educational video was shot in a vintage 60-70s aesthetic to appeal to our public, who came of age (and perhaps also had their very first sexual experience) during that era. In the film, Nina tells viewers about the origin of the problem and the different types of STDs, gives instructions about prevention and even provides some helpful tips on how to avoid sex positions that could potentially cause injuries to seniors. According to Pornhub VP Corey Price, “While the tone of the video may be light at times, the message is a serious one: The prevalence of STDs amongst seniors is a real problem and we believe prevention starts with education. The trick,” he adds “is finding a way for people to feel more comfortable in talking about these issues and that’s what we’re accomplish with this campaign.” 

Old School is available on VHS, DVD or direct download, free of charge, for residents and care providers of retirement communities (within the United States) via, where you can also find a load of additional information about STDs and prevention. To get the word out, Pornhub has created a host of promotional materials including the VHS tapes and DVDs, a range of temporary tattoos for seniors and a promo spot.
Behind the campaign is the creative agency Officer & Gentleman, responsible for Pornhub’s brand strategy and many of their most memorable campaigns of the past several years. 

If you have a loved one who may be at risk for, has or may have an STDs, send them a link to our website and encourage them to talk to a medical professional about testing, treatment and prevention. 
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound
Work from Officer & Gentleman
The Cl*toris Conquest
Gaming for All
Opera GX