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Sea Creatures Seek Sanctuary in Powerful Greenpeace Film Featuring Simon Pegg, Jane Fonda and Camila Cabello

Short film was produced by UK animation studio Rumpus Animations and directed by Luke Hyde

Simon Pegg has teamed up with US film stars Jane Fonda and Camila Cabello giving their voices to a short animated film, released today by Greenpeace. The film depicts the journey of three sea creatures escaping the many threats facing the oceans in search of a marine sanctuary. 

The British actor plays the role of a reassuring whale who nudges a flying fish (Jane Fonda) out of harm's way. Camila Cabello provides the voice of an eel.

The short film had its premiere on the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise in Long Beach, California, at an event hosted by US actor Shailene Woodley last night (13 September).

The film comes at a critical juncture for ocean protection: a landmark Global Ocean Treaty was agreed in March this year after many years of intense negotiations, and governments will have their first chance to sign the new treaty at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on 20 September. 

Simon Pegg, actor and screenwriter who took action with Greenpeace at sea, said: "The oceans are important to everybody. They're such a vast and integral part of the planet's survival mechanism. It would be an act of utmost stupidity to let them go to ruin, and yet a lot of the time we seem to be allowing practices which do absolutely that. So it's really important to get behind causes which look to conserve and protect our ocean and all the life that lives in it."

It also comes as Greenpeace publishes a major new report, 30x30: From Global Ocean Treaty to Protection at Sea (embargoed until 14 September), which details the many threats facing the oceans and sets out a political pathway to protecting 30% of the oceans by 2030 using the new treaty.

Fiona Nicholls of Greenpeace’s Protect the Oceans campaign said: “Ocean sanctuaries provide relief from the growing threats that sea creatures face from climate breakdown, pollution and overfishing. But as well as giving wildlife and ecosystems a fighting chance, they sustain the billions of people who still get nourishment and a livelihood from the ocean. Greenpeace is thrilled to have some of the world's best-loved actors lend their voices to this critical issue that affects us all.”

The short film was produced by UK animation studio, Rumpus Animations. The film’s adorable ocean creatures run a gauntlet of ocean threats, including industrial fishing, deep sea mining, plastic pollution and ocean warming until they eventually find a protected ocean sanctuary, full of life. 
