Creative in association withGear Seven

Services Marketplace Airtasker Campaign Celebrates ‘Winning Feeling’ of Getting Jobs Done

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Mr President and Armoury launch the first major UK campaign

Mr. President has launched a major UK advertising campaign for local services marketplace Airtasker, aimed at making the service a household name in the UK.  

Airtasker, currently the largest local services marketplace in Australia, connects people who need tasks done, with those who have the time, skills and equipment to do them. From simple and familiar tasks (like handyperson jobs) to the more complex or  interesting tasks (like recruiting a mystery shopper or rescuing a drone out of a tree), Brits can find Taskers on the platform  to help with any task they can think of.  In Australia, Airtasker achieved 3x awareness growth over three years, and with Mr. President’s market launch campaign, the ambition is to repeat this success in the UK.

Through the campaign idea of 'Airtasker. Yeahtasker', the ad brings to life the ultimate ‘YEAH’ feeling as you get the jobs you want and need to do, done.

In the main TVC, Brits meet ‘Dan’, who grew up in the 90’s and wants a space to store all of his memorabilia. Using Airtasker, he books a Tasker, Rosie, to build him the flatpack den, crammed with his much loved 90’s nostalgia - with endless references for repeat viewing. With the den complete, Dan and the Tasker dance in harmony to the 90’s inspired, specially composed track - demonstrating their growing rapport. Then, Dan posts all the other tasks he now needs doing - because, with Airtasker, you really can get any task done.

The team worked with Mr Yankey - a director known for his visually striking and innovative work that captivates and resonates with audiences. The playful narrative oozes with fun, while positioning the all important skilled ‘Taskers’ as legends. It is designed to make the service feel like the life hack you need to transform how you get things done - delivering that 'winning' feeling as a result.

The campaign comes after the Airtasker partnership with Channel 4 Ventures, with a £3.5m investment in a ‘media for equity’ deal. Channel 4 Ventures offers high potential brands the opportunity to accelerate their growth through TV advertising, in exchange for an equity stake in the business. The main 30’ TVC will be supported with cut downs.

Angeline Lee, VP of brand at Airtasker, said, “We went through a pitch process and fortunate to work with great agency partners to launch a new brand platform. The 'Airtasker Yeahtasker' campaign takes inspiration from the insight of your home should be a place of undeniable joy, which Airtasker can help you build… even when it’s assembling a 90s den. It’s the perfect balance of showcasing the DNA of our brand. A service of connecting a community of people with the right skills, whilst celebrating that winning feeling of getting it done in a fun, bold and uplifting way. With this campaign, along with the Channel 4 Ventures media partnership, we’re ready to scale Airtasker in the UK market. Let’s do this!”

Jon Gledstone, ECD at Mr. President, said “We wanted to show that with Airtasker, you can get people to do any task you want doing. Deep cleaning carpets, sure. Trimming hedges, obviously. Building a wooden den that people would assume is for your kids but is actually 100% just for you to fill with all of that 90s memorabilia that your wife and social conventions urge you to throw away but you refuse to because that was the best goddamn time of your life? Yeah, that too. Getting the chance to team up with Airtasker on this brilliant campaign has been an absolute blast (from the 90’s past).”

Airtasker’s media agency UM have been working with Channel 4 to secure some blockbuster spots in peak programming to support the launch of the new campaign. The new creative is scheduled to break in the hugely popular cross-generational show The Great British Bake Off on Tuesday the 24th of October, followed with a strong schedule of programming targeting ABC1 Adults including Jamie Oliver’s new show on the 30th.

UM managing partner Simon Taylor commented, “We supported Airtasker on their multi-media launch into the UK market over a year ago and saw a phenomenal uptick in their business metrics in line with our media spend. We are super confident that the great new creative and refreshed brand identity in combination with thoughtfully placed media with the right partners will spur future growth for a dynamic brand.”

Beyond TV, the 'Airtasker Yeahtasker' campaign will also be integrated in multiple touchpoints across owned, earned, and paid marketing channels.

Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound
Work from Mr. President
Close to Home
Stonewall Housing
Den of Dreams
Winning Feeling