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Sustainable Production: Marcin Borkowski on the Power of Small Steps

Production Company
Warsaw, Poland
The executive producer and green consultant at RIOTS explores how the production company is implementing sustainable practices - and how we can collectively make a positive impact
Marcin Borkowski, executive producer and green consultant at RIOTS, has established a notable presence in the advertising industry since beginning his career in 2008. Known for his unwavering focus on production, he excels in devising solutions to what many consider impossible challenges, showcasing his exceptional problem-solving abilities. His interpersonal skills enable him to build strong relationships, foster team collaboration, and lead projects to success with a blend of empathy and strategic insight.

Marcin's professional expertise extends into environmental advocacy as a certified eco-consultant, highlighting his commitment to sustainability within the film industry. This unique combination of deep industry understanding, innovative problem-solving and a commitment to sustainability positions Marcin as a multifaceted leader. 

His efforts are dedicated not only to achieving production excellence but also to cultivating a more sustainable and environmentally aware industry.

LBB> Can you tell us about your own personal journey when it comes to getting involved in sustainable production - how did you get started and where has that journey taken you?

Marcin> It all began with my personal commitment to environmental issues, particularly global warming. As I integrated sustainable practices into my daily life, it naturally extended to my professional work. In June 2023, I joined RIOTS, founded by Tomek Kozera, where we not only made sustainable production a top priority but also embraced transparency and tailored production approaches. I am one of the few eco-consultants in Poland certified by KIPA. From last year I've been leading green initiatives at RIOTS, both on set and in our daily office operations. I developed GreenRun, a comprehensive checklist for implementing eco-friendly solutions at every stage of a production process.

LBB> What are the conversations that clients are having with you about their desire to reduce the carbon footprint and environmental impact of their content production?

Marcin> European clients often express their expectations for sustainable solutions on set, which are covered by our GreenRun. We present clients three options – minimal, optimal, and maximum – allowing them to choose the level of sustainability within their budget. Polish clients are starting to consider sustainability, with varying expectations. In such cases, RIOTS strives to incorporate the best possible sustainable solutions within the approved budget.

LBB> Speaking generally, how do you tend to approach assessing and minimising the footprint of the productions you are involved in - and is this something that is built into your processes?

Marcin> First, we talk with everyone involved, starting with the client and agency, to decide how eco-friendly we can be based on the script. Then, with head departments, we brainstorm and figure out the best approach that fits both the script and budget. Using this info, we create a green plan tailored for that project.

LBB> To what extent do you think the advertising and production world will retain and build on the lessons learned during the pandemic?

Marcin> The pandemic taught us that not every meeting needs to happen face-to-face. Online meetings can be just as effective. While face-to-face interactions remain valuable, unnecessary travel for short meetings, even to another city, can often be avoided. Also, remote shooting became a thing, showing that it works. I hope directors and clients remember this, especially since flights have a big impact on our carbon footprint.

LBB> What have you been finding are the most useful tools, resources and partners for reducing environmental impact/carbon footprint of productions?

Marcin> RIOTS is a member of Greet The Bid, and their guidelines provide valuable insights and practical solutions. We are also members of The Association of Advertising Producers SPR, where we're developing the Polish Green Production Guideline for Producers. On top of that I also stay updated with European associations like AdGreen and WERBEFILMPRODUZENTEN.

LBB> How is sustainability being built into your training and development for members of the production team?

Marcin> First off, when we're bringing people onto the team at RIOTS, we look for those who align with our commitment to being environmentally conscious. We aim for a shared dedication to conducting our work in ways that benefit the environment and planet. It's not limited to formal training sessions - we keep the conversation going. We're always discussing new ideas and ways we can do things better. We believe in the power of small, incremental steps because even minor changes can collectively make a substantial positive impact on the environment. So, it's not just a training thing; it's more like a team culture where everyone pitches in to make our projects as sustainable as possible. It’s not always easy - such an approach requires a lot of work and research to always try to find the best solution. 

LBB> In some ways it seems that when it comes to reducing carbon footprint, the advertising and marketing industry is focused almost exclusively on production (for good reason - there are obvious areas in production where clear, substantial and measurable progress can be made). What are your thoughts on this - is it a positive that production is able to take the lead or is there a risk that the industry will take the win and fail to look elsewhere?

Marcin> Production certainly has room for significant improvement, but it's essential to recognise that we often join the process after the script is approved. While we strive to find more green solutions within production, a more sustainable approach should also be integrated into the mindset of marketing teams and creatives during the story development stage. Collaboration between these areas can truly make a difference. That’s why it is essential to be part of the process at the very beginning when we can relay advice and make change - at least this is what I believe in.

LBB> Looking more broadly than carbon footprint, what are the other ways that production can be more sustainable?

Marcin> For me sustainable production is more than just carbon footprint. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance within our industry is a big challenge. The last-minute changes, short production schedules, and stressful environments are counterproductive to sustainable living. To foster creativity and problem-solving, we need a clear head. A more sustainable production life involves considering the well-being of ourselves and the people we work with.

LBB> To what extent is the social or community impact of a production an important part of the sustainability conversation?

Marcin> It's a really big deal. As mentioned before at RIOTS, we make sure we've got a bunch of like-minded people working together. We share our experiences and brainstorm ways to make things better. These talks are a huge part of making those small changes that end up making a real difference. We're all about believing that even the tiniest steps can create positive vibes not just in our crew but also in the wider community. 

LBB> Can you share some examples of projects you’ve worked on where you feel that the carbon footprint and sustainability were tackled in interesting or effective ways?

Marcin> Last year, we collaborated with the Media.Monks and produced a series of short films for the BMW. It was one of the first projects shot by RIOTS where we implemented GreenRun for the first time. Sustainable production approach is relatively new in Poland, and crews may need explanations to understand the importance of changing habits for the planet. Together, we made changes in catering, transport, and the art department. Each new project gives us valuable lessons on which areas we can improve or solutions we need to adjust.

LBB> What advice would you give to anyone working in production, whether for production company, agency or brand, who is struggling to get buy-in from their clients and colleagues on sustainable production?

Marcin> Engage in discussions, provide education, and take small steps. Convincing those around us to change their usual way of thinking requires effort. While not everyone may immediately understand or support it, persistence and gradual progress are key. Even if only 1 out of 10 clients opts for sustainable production, it's worth continuing to advocate for positive change.
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