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The New Generation of Content Creators: 7 Tips from a Social Content Geek

Branding and Marketing Agency
London, United Kingdom
Advice from Media Bounty Designer, Kara Bridson
Let me guess, your housemate works in ‘social media’? And you just assume he/she spends all day making memes and gifs? Am I right?

Well I am one of those so called ‘gif makers’! AKA social content geek.

Day-to-day we create posts and campaigns for social channels, from ideation through to production. 

We identify trends within popular culture along the way, and analyse both social and cultural insights to produce successful content that resonates. 

We produce content that has an instant, positive impact on the consumer in order to promote the product or brand being advertised. The content translates brand ideas and territories into bite-sized social content that cuts through, whilst supporting broader campaign or brand messaging.

But what are tricks to cutting through the mess? Without further ado…

7 Tips from a Social Content Geek:


Let’s face it no-one likes brand ads popping into their newsfeed, (especially if they’re not relevant to you or your life in any way). Creating ideas based on what people are talking about, doing, interested in and would therefore relate to, is key. 

Treat your audience like a best friend…

- Interested (in them/audience) - provide VALUE
- Regularity – commitment (for example, same kind of content every Friday)
- Trust
- Authenticity (make it real and not appear too heavily edited/retouched)
- Care (charity/collaborations/your audiences’ needs)

You want the ‘Oh my god that’s so me’ or ‘Omg, yes!’ response that leads to an immediate ‘like’ or follow and growing a new found appreciation – but more importantly trust. You will only buy into a brand you trust.

The most successful ‘basket landers’ have come from social content ad design with crystal clear CTA or a strong personal (human) connection. 

You have to think, why does the audience want to see this? Your content has to do something to the audience, it has to move them or push at least one of their emotive buttons. Does it inspire? Amuse? Inform? Emote? Does it signal why you should stay with it in the first three seconds of play? On a three-inch screen?

Today’s audiences are smart, savvy and have heard it all before. No longer does a three-minute advert convince them to do anything they haven’t already decided to do, so the only way to get them on side is by telling them the truth in as interesting, current and exciting way as possible. Show them something new. 


More so than being ‘in the know’, brands must be good. I don’t mean well behaved - I mean we must look after our world and show that we do so. Customers increasingly care about social responsibility (or like to show they do) and brands must buy into it too, not make it an afterthought or a box that needs to be ticked.

What can your brand do to make this world a little better? To me this is key to honest success, building on brand value and creating a distinct voice.


If your brand were a person, who would it be? What would it like? What would it dislike? Is it cool? If so, does it say it’s cool?

Red Bull’s content speaks only in “fluent Red Bull” and their fans can hear it from a mile away. Same goes for Burberry; they have an attitude and voice that somehow manages to shine through everything they create and do.


Just think - all a brand really wants is the headline ‘[Your brand] were the 1st to…’ Being on top of tech and innovation is so important. If you think you’re on track, you’re not - someone has already done it. You have to do it bigger and better and now. No ifs or buts, just get on it. If you fail, you learn from that - and can only get better. You will only ever win an award if you rock the boat and show something new.


Learn how to make your story jump off the page by understanding your audience as well as all the other vital ingredients that every good story should have.

Don’t just work with your in-house design team, collaborate - learn and combine talents. However long you have been in the business there is still room for growth - the world of social changes from day-to-day and we need design to be as exciting as that.


Harry Bromey, Chief Mischief Masker at Paddy Power in 2013, said: “The riskiest thing is to be boring. You need an element of risk to make great creative work. You need to foster a culture, the right atmosphere and the attitude.” Unfortunately not all brands have the freedom to be as creative and mischievous as Paddy Power but they certainly have the right attitude. And as we know, in any aspect of life a good attitude gets you far.


Be as human as humanly possible. And remember, if your job’s easy, you’re not doing your job. At Media Bounty there is never a dull moment - we get super excited about new tech, new developments and formats on social platforms and partnering with new creative talent to ensure we deliver the highest possible standard of work.

“Some 80% of your life is spent working. You want to have fun at home; why shouldn’t you have fun at work?” Richard Branson. 

Hear hear!

Kara Bridson is a Designer at Media Bounty Ltd.
Work from Media Bounty