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This Animated Film Beautifully Illustrates The Importance of Food Sustainability

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Animated film from Le Cube and TankTank promotes sustainability for German brand FollowFood

The animation company Le Cube, who have announced a new studio in Madrid, launches the film 'In Your Hands' created with the agency TankTank Hamburg, for the German sustainable food brand Followfood. In a time when discussions about climate change are constant, Followfood wants to raise attention to the awareness of food consumption and how deeply it impacts our plant.

Followfood isn’t just another sustainable food brand, they are a real movement for raising awareness in consumer habits around the world. Ten years ago, they started this journey with Followfish and haven’t stopped expanding their mission and product line ever since. 


That’s why the team at Le Cube was so excited to be invited by Hamburg based creative agency TankTank to collaborate on the company’s new brand film, adding their unique blend of styles in emotive 2D designs and animation that fit the campaign’s tone perfectly.

Followfood - In Your Hands from Le Cube on Vimeo.

“We saw the food consumption awareness here at Le Cube transform drastically in the last years, as the eating habits had changed for myself and several colleagues by adopting veganism, vegetarianism or just by searching for local organic grow food instead of industrial. This was a big motivator for us to engage in this project” explains the executive producer Juan Manuel Freire. 

After all, industrial food production keeps growing and presenting challenges that the market can’t seem to beat. That’s why the film focuses on the impact of this behaviour and what it means for the future of our planet. 


“The message is universal but also something people choose to ignore. What we consume should be picked carefully and with awareness of the trail our food leaves behind it” explains Ralph Karam, the project’s creative director of animation, “the film also has a turning point, a moment where humans realise their mistakes and make a change for the better. This brings a different feel to the animation, with the whole world jumping on board just like the choir joins the song”.


"It was a challenge to not end showing cliché portraits of waste and animal cruelty since they are always so powerful. At Le Cube we have an obsession for elegant designs and fluid movements, so, for this project we work hard to find a way to generate anxiety and an uncomfortable feeling in the watcher portraying a sad world but with special designs, with uniqueness and solid aesthetic.” explains Santiago Oddis, creative director at LeCube. 


'You’ve got the whole world in your hands', sings the hauntingly beautiful version of the popular song, reminding us that consumers have the power to change all this in their collective hands, something the film shows in its sensible but powerful visual story.

Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound
Work from Le Cube