Work of the Week in association withThe Immortal Awards

Work of the Week: 15/07/22

London, UK
From vulval education, through the perfect temperature for drinking stout, to a cross between animation, puppets and costumes, this week’s best work of the week is full of surprises and is as colourful as we’d expect, writes LBB’s Zoe Antonov

This week’s best work includes a mix of education on vulval health and anatomy, excitement around Gay Games Hong Kong 2023, ALDI Australia reminding us of the meaning of life and a very heartfelt ‘Thank you’ to veterinary doctors for taking care of our best fur friends. 

Canesten crushed all the barriers on women’s health this week, with some unapologetic educational campaigning, showing real vulvas on screen and combining them with real education for people of all ages. Meanwhile, Gay Games urged everybody to come out for the games next year with the help of influencers from all backgrounds. And ALDI Australia took quite an interesting direction with their newest campaign, and spoke to us about what it means to be human, or more precisely what it is to be a dot living on another dot. 

When it comes to cool and abstract ideas, McCann China also didn’t fall behind with their new brand video for the Chevrolet Black Bowtie emblem. Using a traditional and memorable sci-fi blockbuster style of production, the video explores what true ‘black’ means and how the colour is embedded in our everyday lifestyles. Shifting our look back to Australia, during its coldest month of the year, Guinness took advantage of the weather by encouraging Aussies to enjoy a stout on them once the temperature for it is perfect. 

Scroll down for these and all the rest of the best spots from this week!

Canesten Strips Away Intimate Healthcare Shame with ‘The Truth, Undressed’

Starting the list off with Canesten’s collaboration with AnalogFolk, in which they undressed the truth about vulval health and anatomy, and showed us all what real vulvas look like. As part of their ‘Vagina Academy,’ the campaign went against all preconceived notions about what vaginas or vulvas should look like and rejected the so familiar to all of us innuendos of flowers, cactuses, fruits and so on. To take their place were real, human bodies, in a bid to educate all vulva-having people in the UK through the Canesten microwebsite, which audiences were nudged to visit through a social media activation. 

McCann China’s Striking Sci-Fi Blockbuster Explores What the Colour ‘Black’ Means for Chevrolet

Not only did Chevrolet China collab with McCann Shanghai to deliver this masterpiece of a video directed by Fu Binbin, but they also complemented their campaign with building three Black Bowtie pop-up stores, to provide a more tangible brand experience. Using a black carbon nanotechnology paint that absorbs more than 99.8% of the light that hits its surface, the pop-ups in huge futuristic looking shapes stirred up quite the buzz on social media. The sci-fi inspired film and the pop-up stores come as the first brand-level communication of the Chevrolet Black Bowtie since it entered the Chinese market back in 2005 and stands as a critical phase for the Chevrolet’s brand upgrade. 

Gay Games Hong Kong Encourages All Walks of Life to ‘Come Out’ in Official Launch Film

Influencers including Terence Siu Fay Lam, Lindsay Jang, Asha and Leslie, all came together to spread the message through DDB Group Hong Kong’s campaign film and urge people to ‘Come Out’ for the games next year. Through showing a diverse range of people from a variety of ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, gender identities, ages, abilities, professions, and backgrounds, the film and overall campaign extends the invite to come out to everybody and calls to Hong Kongers to plan ahead for the event.

Guinness Shouts Free Stout with Temperature Controlled Promotion

As Europe is experiencing what seems to be a never-ending heatwave, Australians are dealing with winter weather in their coldest month of the year. Thinkerbell took advantage of the circumstances, and delivered this temperature-activated Guinness campaign, inspiring pub-goers to enjoy a stout. We all know Guinness and winter go together perfectly, so the GUINNESS WEATHER campaign allows drinkers to claim a free pint of Guinness Draught as soon as the temperature drops to the ideal consumption conditions in their nearest pub. If you’re wondering - the best temperature is between five and seven degrees, which is when the promotion activates! 

ALDI Australia Campaign Reminds Shoppers of Endless Special Buy Possibilities

We never expected to be reminded that we are formed from the ash of dead stars by ALDI, but this spot does exactly that! In another great Australian work this week, ALDI and BMF came together to relaunch the supermarket’s Special Buys platform and remind Aussies of the endless possibilities in the middle aisle, promising that “It’s special you can buy.” 

Pets at Home Spotlights the Passion and Dedication of Vets in Powerful Film

During the pandemic we all reevaluated how grateful we should be for healthcare workers, and it sparked some incredible work to stir the conversation and remind us that they are the real superheroes behind the scenes. Pets at Home’s spot in collaboration with The&Partnership and Stink Films’ Tom Green, spotlighted a small fraction of them and the incredible work they do – veterinarians! The film showcasing the passion, dedication and commitment that the tireless vets put into their profession, offers our gratitude to the field and the often overlooked industry. 

Philo Taps Into TV Binging Anxiety with Comfort Creatures in Surreal Spot by Honor Society

To finish off this week’s list, we have a colourful spot by Philo, remembering a time when TV watching was stress-free. Since the rise of on-demand television, all of us have found ourselves in a situation where the sheer amount of choice is stressful and binging a TV show leaves you absolutely exhausted and riddled with guilt. Philo offers a new version of TV inspired by old TV – where you can just turn on the box at the end of the room and relax. The 30-second-long campaign film coordinates physical effects, costumes, and puppeteers on top of the set crew, to create as much magic on screen as possible and deliver us 11 different comfort creatures reflecting the inner comfort of the characters that Philo brings them.

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