Work of the Week in association withThe Immortal Awards

Work of the Week: 19/01/24

London, UK
This week’s best, brightest and boldest work features selections from Burger King Brazil, Mercedes-Benz, Budget Direct and more, writes LBB’s Josh Neufeldt

You know what time it is - Work of the Week time! And oh boy, do we have some fun selections up for you today! From the top, we’ve got a clever campaign for Budget Direct, which depicts a pool cleaner going violently rogue after the family swimming pool is struck by lightning. And then of course, there’s the latest spot for Mercedes-Benz, which features Roger Federer, Matthew Macfadyen classily emphasising the elegance of the car and brand. 

There’s also a beautiful tribute to the medical staff of Canada’s Scarborough Health Network, a Burger King Brazil campaign to rename a specifically named volcanic island, and work for Current Account Switch Service that sees a young man try to teach his fish dog tricks. But, whatever your tastes may be, there’ll be something on this list for you to enjoy. We’ve got you covered!

Check out the full list below:

Budget Direct - Loch Mess Monster

There’s often a worldly perception that Australia is full of dangerous creatures. Scary spiders, crocodiles, snakes… the list goes on and on. So, somehow, it isn’t at all surprising when, in this fun spot by 303 MullenLowe for Budget Direct, a rogue lightning strike turns a seemingly normal pool cleaner savage. Terrorising a family home and wreaking absolute havoc, all seems lost, until the insurance company’s longstanding heroes, Sarge, Jacs and Chief make a timely entrance, turning off the device-gone-wild and, more importantly, ensuring the family feels assured in being insured. 

Scarborough Health Network Foundation - Love, Scarborough

Oftentimes in Ontario, Canada, Scarborough gets an unfair, undeservedly poor reputation. Torontonians love to scoff at it, funding isn’t great, and despite that, the district has some incredible qualities which get completely overlooked. Consider, for instance, the Scarborough Health Network Foundation. Explored in the latest spot by agency Lifelong Crush, the campaign’s anchor video amalgamates authentic shots that capture the essence of the area with real staff pulling off extraordinary feats, culminating in a poignant reminder that if this is what they do on the daily with less resources, then one ought to imagine what they could do with more. 

Mercedes-Benz - Defining Class

What happens when you combine Roger Federer, Matthew Macfadyen, the new S-Class Mercedes, elegant suits and chic environments together in a single spot, directed by Anorak’s Nina Holmgren? Pure magic. Created by Antoni on behalf of the brand, the work leads viewers to contemplate what truly constitutes a car. Is it just four wheels? Or, can it be everything from a safety space to a cinema? In any case, as the narrating Macfadyen puts it, while the definition of a car changes, one thing will always stay the same when it's a Mercedes-Benz - the car that’s defined class since 1886. 

Burger King Brazil - Whopper Island

Between Madagascar and Antarctica, there just so happens to be an island that shares a name with a certain, golden arch franchise that starts with Mc, and ends with Donald’s. And on this island, there’s a volcano which, to Burger King Brazil and agency DM9, feels cheaply ironic, considering the the rival brand doesn’t flame grill its burgers like Burger King. So, to rectify this, the two have launched a mockumentary and campaign, inviting people to take to Google Maps and rename the island appropriately, while offering Whopper discount coupons to those who do. 

goodboybob - Lab Rats

How does one prove goodboybob’s coffee is the best tasting in the world? Well, as agency Erich & Kallman and Tool director Erich Joiner demonstrate, mutant lab rats are a viable option! Telling the story of a scientist who tries the brand’s coffee and is blown away, she tries to determine a scientifically viable way to prove its superiority, before defaulting to rats that just so happen to have the literal five human senses embedded into their backs. Sure enough, the rats love the coffee, and so, the discussion of the world’s best coffee is now seemingly settled for good.

Current Account Switch Service - Fish Whisperer

For those who own pet fish, have you ever attempted to teach your aquatic little friend how to roll, sit or play dead? Surely it would be an exercise in futility, which this spot for Current Account Switch Service by House 337 drives home effectively. Telling the story of a young man and his spike collar-adorned pet fish, ‘Spike’, the work targets the 18-24 audience, serving as a funny and relatable analogy that challenges people to think about whether they have the right bank account for them, and whether they ought to switch. 

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