
NHS Blood and Transplant - Waiting to Live

NHS Blood and Transplant
Music & Sound
London, UK
Agency / Creative
Music / Sound

There are currently over 230 children across the UK waiting for a lifesaving transplant.

We are thrilled to have been involved in this incredible and vital campaign for Wunderman ThompsonNHS Blood and Transplant with our very own Chloe Bruce-Gardyne writing and performing the soundtrack, now live across TV/VOD and in cinemas. 

Instrumental to the campaign are 230 handmade dolls, representing each of the children waiting - just like the ones in this video.

About Sonicbrand

For the love of sound

We adore sound, its power, its potential.
The way in which it makes the world sensorial, giving dimension and depth to our lives, rooting us in the moment, inspiring us to think with more space and altitude. It accompanies us on our journey through all we do. It is the soundtrack to our every experience.

Brands today know that to make a memorable impression, they need to create worlds. But worlds are never silent. A brand world with visceral soundscapes which amplify every touchpoint with more texture and personality is more recognisable and memorable.

Our methodology is based on collaboration, promoting creative harmony between us, our clients and our rich and diverse talent who handcraft every note.

Diversity is at the heart of the process — expansive and diverse network of writers, composers and engineers from every corner of audio, ensuring a fresh perspective on every piece.

Sonic Brand. Everything we do, is for the love of sound.​