
REGGIE Winner (2023): Progressive & Arnold - "Dr. Rick"

REGGIE Winner (2023): Progressive & Arnold
Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
New York, USA
Agency / Creative

Dr. Rick became Progressive’s most-watched content on their YouTube channel, delivered against quoting metric benchmarks, and maintains the status of most-loved character amongst the target audience.

Progressive Insurance strategically tackled home insurance challenges among young homeowners aged 25 to 44, aiming not only for increased quotes and policies but also heightened relevance in a crowded market. Rooted in the "Parentamorphosis" concept, the campaign cleverly tapped into the relatable insight that buying a first home often triggers parental behaviors.

To fuel the Parentamorphosis campaign momentum and keep up with an evolving audience, we introduced Dr. Rick, Parenta-Life Coach. In addition to TV, online video was used to target young people who’d cut the cord. We also pulled Dr. Rick out of traditional channels by releasing an audiobook.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Tapping into a new Audience: Progressive transformed its audience focus from auto to home insurance, challenging the perception that it's solely for new car owners and effectively tapped into the young homeowner market. Introducing a distinctive character, such as Dr. Rick, enhances brand storytelling, offering a unique way to convey messages and establish a brand personality that resonates with the target demographic. 

  2. Humorous Insights Drive Engagement: Leveraging relatable and humorous insights, such as the "Parentamorphosis" concept, drove deeper connections with the audience, fostering engagement and brand affinity, becoming vital to the campaign's success.

  3. Multichannel Strategy Works: Employing a multichannel strategy that includes TV, online video, and innovative formats like audiobooks allows brands to reach diverse audiences effectively, especially in an era of changing media consumption habits. Witnessing the audience's enthusiastic response, Progressive extended the campaign, developing additional content and products centered around Dr. Rick. This expansion not only reinforced the campaign's success but also fostered a lasting and meaningful connection with the target demographic, yielding sustained positive outcomes.

The Dr. Rick campaign has consistently propelled Progressive to outperform quoting metric norms, resulting in a significant rise from the No. 4 to the No. 1 automotive insurer, with continued competition for the top positions.

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