
AICP - The Journey

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
New York, United States
Agency / Creative
About AICP

Founded in 1972, by a small group of television commercial production companies concerned with a single issue, today's AICP has grown to represent exclusively, the interests of companies that specialize in producing commercials on various media - film, video, digital - for advertisers and agencies. AICP members account for 85 percent of all domestic commercials aired nationally, whether produced for traditional broadcast channels or non-traditional use.

AICP members are commercial production companies (General Members) and knowledgeable, reliable suppliers (Associate Members) that the industry depends on for state of the art equipment; sophisticated information; and services focused on production needs.

The Association's National Officers, including five Directors At Large elected directly by the membership, representatives from each region, and associate members' representatives make up the National Board of Directors. Working in conjunction with National Committees, this body sets policy as well as the overall agenda of the AICP.

With national offices in New York and Los Angeles, and with regional offices across the country, the association serves as a strong collective voice for this $5 billion-plus industry, addressing its many audiences within the advertising community, business circles and government offices; disseminating information; developing industry standards; providing education and programs; and facilitating dialogue both within its organization and between members of the AICP and their colleagues in the advertising community. As part of its effort to link with other members of the production community, the AICP invited the Association of Music Producers (AMP) to become an AICP affiliate. AMP Members are music production houses in the business of creating music and sound design for advertising, promos, and other commercial uses. AMP is a national organization formed for the purpose of addressing collectively the issues that affect each of its members individually.

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