
Google Pixel - WEBMIX

Google Pixel
Production Company
Berlin, Germany
Agency / Creative

Was ihr seht: 

Eine emotionale Reise-Kampagne mit allen Backpacking-Schmerzen sponsored by @google (danke dafür)! 

Abhängen mit sehr italienischen Italienern, bekocht werden von ihren Nonnas, atemberaubender Ausblick in Positano oder echtes rumänisches Nightlife in Bukarest.

But don’t let Insta fool you!

Nicht nur einmal haben wir unser Leben riskiert, euch den besten Mobile-Spot zu liefern.
Ob Bärenangriffe, rückwärts Vespafahrten durch Neapels Gassen, oder peinliche Jamsessions im Crew-Van. Wir haben alles gegeben!
Rich Kids aus Zehlendorf lets not go Australia , let’s go work & travel in den Karpaten! Because it is beautiful.

Danke an unsere coolen und grossartigen Hauptprotagonisten. You are officially great. Thanks for making this! @vanellimelli @fabianheigel @shit.papi@herrlich.dining

Lean back!

Client || @google
Agency || @kemmlerkemmler
Production || Zauberberg Productions

Creative Directors || Martin Schuster, Nikolaus Ronacher, Sergio Penzo
Account || Florine Geller, Hannah Müller
Producer || Stefanie Schuster @stefanieschuster, Sandra Mayer, Peter Golovtchiner 

Director || Katharina Hingst @katharina_aries
DOP || Jaime Ackroyd @jaimeackroyd
2nd Unit DOP || @imran.superlatif
1st AD || Daniel Späth
1st AC || Michael Hannides
2nd AC || @lueazy

Photographer || @conradbauer

Managing Partner || @andrearomanperse , @donsiegl
Executive Producer || @andrearomanperse
Bidding Producer || @findingvitor
Line Producer || @johnny_clipper
Production Coordinator || @raik.kult
Production Assistant || @moritz.hck

Service Production Romania || Digital Spirit
Service Producer || Marius Calu

Service Production Italy || Terminal Loudpictures
Service Producer || Luca Callori

Post Producer || @johnny_clipper , @manueldaebritz
Editors || @marvin.kuehner , @klinkewhoop , @imran.superlatif@marie.iz
Color Grading || @florian.metzner.colorist
Online Supervisor || Benjamin Kempe
Online Artists || Priyesh Puthan Valiyandi, Ian Hutchinson, Catherine Weber, @marcinkrzano
Music || @_86tales_
Sounddesign & Mix || @kraatzstudios

About Zauberberg Productions

Zauberberg Productions is named after the novel "The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann.
Yes, this Thomas Mann who wrote,

"(...) troubled and burdened by boredom."

– Thomas Mann, 1924

At the heart of Zauberberg is a fabulous group of award-winning international directors and a bunch of experienced, motivated and professional producers with a strong penchant for humor and quality.