
The Immortal Awards Global Online Showcase 03/03/21

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
London, UK
About The Immortal Awards
The Immortal Awards is a free-to-enter award show for all of Little Black Book’s global members.

Disrupting the traditional industry awards model, The Immortal Awards provides our members with an award that is free to enter, easy to enter and hard to win.

Inspired by Sir John Hegarty’s belief that creative companies rarely create more than five genuinely award-worthy pieces per office a year, The Immortal Awards only allows entrants a maximum of five entries.

The limit ensures only the very best creative work is entered and creates a democratic, level playing field for all entrants. It’s not about playing the numbers game, it’s simply about recognising the creative ideas – and the creative talent behind them – that will live forever.

We made the decision that entry should come at no additional cost to our members because we understand the importance of awards in furthering the careers of creatives but recognise just how tough the industry is now, particularly financially. As long as your company or office is a member of Little Black Book, you’ll be able to enter the award show free of charge.

Whilst entering the awards is easy, winning an award is difficult - because that’s the way it should to be. The world’s best campaigns should be judged by the world’s best creatives, which is why we put together the strongest jury that we possibly can. We’ve assembled a first-class jury of industry icons who see judging through from online stage to live stage.  

Our jury is under no obligation to award Commendations or Immortalise entrants, so only the very best will be taking home a prize. We have no quotas to fill and there are no numbers games from our side. As many or as few finalists will take home our iconic skull and wings trophy. 

If you're not creating, you're dying.