
Nike - Gurls Talk

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Agency / Creative

Young women need a voice. They need visible role models not just to inspire them, but to offer them a chance to talk about the issues and challenges they face.

We worked alongside Nike to design and create several intimate and inclusive panel tours, covering a wide variety of topics. These events give girls an opportunity to discuss topics surrounding young women, everything from mental health to physical wellbeing, and to deliver inspiration from role models from the worlds of sport, culture and community.

Our team built a series of welcoming and supportive event spaces that ensured girls felt comfortable to speak out about the issues and challenges they face today. It was crucial to make these spaces engaging, as well as educational for guests on challenging and personal topics. The panels feature the founder of Gurls Talk, Adowa Aboah and inspirational special guests, including female athletes such as Bebe Vio and Sara Gama.

The young women who attended left feeling heard, supported and inspired. The Milan, Paris and London events were heavily oversubscribed, and we continue to plan a series of additional events with Girls Talk and Nike to help support young women across Europe.

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