Creative in association withGear Seven

A Musclebound Christmas Miracle Occurs in Wonderhood Studios' Annual Festive Film

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Lighthearted yet touching spot highlights the issue of loneliness this festive season to support Samaritans

For the first time in three years, many of us are going to be able to visit our loved ones this Christmas, without Covid restrictions getting in the way. But sadly, that’s not the case for everyone. Recent research shows almost four million Brits are classed as chronically lonely – up from 2.6 million in 2020.

To highlight the issue of loneliness this festive season, Wonderhood Studios is launching its annual Christmas film, this time reminding viewers that not everyone has someone and encouraging us all to look out for one another.

The film was written by Sofie Saietz and Simone Weilborg of Wonderhood Studios and directed by Theo James Krekis of Knucklehead. It tells the story of a man who was too ashamed to admit he didn’t have anyone to spend Christmas day with, ending up in a web of lies as he makes up that he is hosting “the biggest festive do in the neighbourhood, ever.”

In the short film, titled ‘Spot me’, an unexpected (and very muscly) stranger offers to lend a helping hand in preparations for the big day. As she gets him on her shoulders to hang up the Christmas lights and cracks open his nuts with her bare biceps, an unlikely friendship starts to form.

However, we soon discover that there is in fact no festive do, and the man is due to spend Christmas alone. Deflated, he is about to head back to his empty house when his new companion magically reappears, offering to keep him company on Christmas Day. The film ends on the message “not everyone has someone” and a note to say Wonderhood Studios will be supporting Samaritans this Christmas in their fight against loneliness.

Sofie Saietz & Simone Weilborg of Wonderhood Studios said: “We are both very lucky to be able to travel home and spend time with our families for Christmas, but not everyone is that fortunate. We hope our film can shine a light on the issue and encourage others to check in on those around them – loneliness isn’t always easy to spot from a distance.” 

Theo James Krekis of Knucklehead added: “Our intention was to make a bittersweet film that would help raise awareness around the amazing work Samaritans do, but to also make our audience aware that Christmas can be an especially lonely time for some people. It’s so easy to take our friends and family for granted, so this Christmas, take a moment, and do what you can for those in need.”

Matthew Gray, corporate account manager at Samaritans, said: “We are living in uncertain times and the world has become, for many, a very worrying place. The impact of the global pandemic, as well as concerns around the cost-of-living crisis, is affecting many people. We are delighted that Wonderhood Studios have chosen to raise money and awareness for Samaritans. Every 10 seconds, our volunteers respond to a call for help and it’s thanks to the amazing support of organisations like Wonderhood Studios that our volunteers can continue to be there for anyone struggling to cope, anytime of day or night.”

Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound
Work from Wonderhood Studios
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