Creative in association withGear Seven

Black Dog Institute Launches App Designed to Help Teens Navigate Depression with Producible

Advertising Agency
Sydney, Australia
Black Dog Institute has collaborated with parents, teens and mental health experts to launch ClearlyMe®, Australia’s first mental health app to see teens through tough times with Producible
ClearlyMe is the brainchild of Black Dog Institute, in collaboration with young people, for young people, designed to support teens aged between 12-17 who are experiencing depressive symptoms, psychological distress or in other words, going through a tough time. 

As long-term agency partners, full-service production agency Producible has created a series of engaging launch videos for ClearlyMe, the first of which will be introducing the free app to parents & carers.

“For many Young Australians, mental health programs are not designed to best meet their needs, with many apps not placing importance on educating and helping teens. Working with Black Dog Institute, we were tasked with communicating such a unique touchpoint, ensuring usability and accessibility was top of mind. We are proud to have been brought on as partners to help bring this to market” says David Flanagan, director of strategy & creative at Producible. 

The ClearlyMe campaign is made up of a series of unscripted, long-form videos that unpack the benefits of the app, with the content housed on the Black Dog Institute’s website. The collection of content includes a signature piece explaining everything of interest about the app, alongside seven additional short-form signpost videos presented as if the young people had recorded themselves via their own devices.This content reflects how teens use social media and will be used as sponsored posts on popular channels like TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram. 

“Offering teenagers bite-sized chunks of psychological therapy is daunting and yet many forget to go straight to the source – those young adults being affected. Working with these young adults, mental health professionals and Producible, we are proud to launch an app that has clear advice on current mental health topics and whilst also helping those users overcome negative thinking.” says Anthony Nedanoski, marketing manager at Black Dog Institute

Off the back of an incredibly exciting new brand launch, the new campaign by Producible is a perfect illustration of how bringing together 40 years of experience can help successfully create impactful and educative work for Black Dog Institute. 

Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Work from Producible
Black Dog Institute