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Roots & Wings Study Reveals Newcomer Women Seek Guidance to Embrace New Opportunities

Advertising Agency
Toronto, Canada
Publicis Media Canada study finds newcomer women oscillate between loneliness and aspiration, and are looking for practical support to adjust to their new life

Amid ongoing social and economic struggles, one in four newcomer women in Canada describes feeling a strong sense of loneliness and isolation. But key data indicate they are actively seeking avenues for connection, enhanced integration, and practical guidance, according to Publicis Media in Canada’s Roots & Wings study – a national survey of newcomer women that provides a comprehensive overview of their journey in Canada and how companies can help.

“Despite the excitement, starting fresh in Canada presents significant hurdles for women, given the diverse job market, cultural variations, and social norms. Yet, amidst these obstacles, they exhibit remarkable tenacity and determination. Our study highlights a clear call to action for companies to step in and provide both big and small solutions,” said Ken Gamage, head of strategy and research at Publicis Media Canada.

Social craving

Newcomer women grapple with feelings of loneliness, with 25% reporting a sense of isolation, particularly pronounced among South Asian and Arab women (both at 35%). Additionally, 21% feel disconnected or lacking in a sense of belonging.

Despite these sentiments, many women are actively seeking ways to forge connections. One in four participate in hobby-based groups or volunteer for local initiatives. Social media also plays a crucial role in meeting new people, with 23% of Arab women using platforms like Meet Up and 28% of Chinese women recently using dating apps. 

"Even amid the excitement of new surroundings, newcomer women often grapple with a lack of genuine connections – where people are friendly, but not friends. Companies have a unique opportunity to facilitate these connections through initiatives centred around social gatherings, food or specific activations on digital platforms” said Priyanka Bora, group account director at Publicis Media Canada.

Embracing their freedom

Newcomer women express a strong desire to embrace the freedoms that come with living in Canada. Over a third (31%), including nearly half (45%) from South Asia, believe they have gained greater freedom here compared to their home countries. With the fear of judgment significantly decreased, especially among young women aged 18-34 (43% vs. 38% overall), they feel empowered to make lifestyle changes and explore new experiences. Some women embark on solo travel (21%), take up new hobbies (28% of South Asian women), or openly discuss attending therapy (27% of Black women).

"They are seizing the freedoms that Canada offers. They're eager to explore new interests, places and cuisines. Brands can forge meaningful connections with these women by championing their journey towards empowerment and self-discovery. This could involve tailoring products and services to meet their evolving needs or celebrating their diverse first experiences” commented Ken.

Guidance through transition

Newcomer women can feel lost as they navigate their new lives, facing numerous challenges or options they are unfamiliar with. 

One of the biggest hurdles is finding employment, as their credentials are often not fully recognised, leaving 39% struggling in their job hunts. Access to healthcare poses another significant challenge, with the same percentage having difficulty finding a family doctor. Additionally, adapting to a new climate, unfamiliar traditions, and brands adds to their challenges. With so much newness to navigate, they need practical guidance to help them transition smoothly into their new lives.

Advertisements can play a crucial role in this transition by offering practical tips and information about available resources. Nearly one in four newcomer women find such ads more appealing and seek advertisements that provide valuable information and support for new immigrants.

“Settling in Canada presents many challenges for newcomer women, extending beyond traditional hurdles like job hunting and social adaptation. From navigating harsh winters to encountering unfamiliar brands, products or activities, they grapple with a lot of new experiences,” explained Priyanka. “This can be overwhelming and that’s where brands need to reassess their roles if they want to better connect with their audience. While representation in advertising is important and appreciated, these women also need to be genuinely heard and supported through their transition to a new life”.

Check out the study here

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