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The Transparency Revolution in CTV: Advertising with Video Previews

Advertising Agency
New York, USA
Keith Pieper, SVP, product at dentsu on the way that connected TV advertising has roared onto the scene

Connected TV advertising has roared onto the scene, fueled by soaring viewership and the promise of the living room's premium audience. But for all its potential, CTV remains plagued by a lack of transparency that can leave advertisers feeling as blind as a bat in a blackout. Video content descriptions are often vague, targeting relies on broad categories, and screenshots? Don't even get us started on those static images that tell you nothing about the dynamism of a video. 

Imagine, instead, a world where you could instantly preview any streaming video, scroll through specific scenes and better understand the context from granular frame-by-frame analysis. A world where transparency isn't just lip service, but you can see the videos and filter the results, empowering you to say "yes" to the perfect ad spot and a resounding "no" to anything that doesn't align with your brand values. 

Behold, the power of video previews and custom contextual segments. These two game-changers go far beyond the current CTV advertising "transparency" landscape, which often resembles squinting at a blurry picture through frosted glass. 

Beyond Descriptions and Screenshots: Let's face it, descriptions can be about as informative as a fortune cookie message, and deciphering screenshots is like trying to judge a book by its cover (and we all know how unreliable that can be). On the other hand, video previews are like flipping through the book itself, giving you a true sense of the content, tone, and potential brand safety pitfalls, without the need to make some popcorn to watch the entire video. Imagine instantly scanning through multiple video frames to ensure alignment with your brand. The video itself can often tell you more than any description or title. 

Keywords That Speak Volumes: Categorization and genre is helpful, but it's a blunt instrument in digital advertising. Imagine going to the library and only being able to browse by "fiction" or "non-fiction." Keyword contextual segments are like the Dewey Decimal System for video, providing nuanced understanding of the actual content. Think about identifying videos that mention specific brands, discuss particular trends, or even evoke certain emotions – all crucial insights for crafting targeted and effective campaigns. 

Transparency with Teeth: Seeing isn't believing if you can't do anything about it. True transparency demands control. With video previews and numerous precision filters, this control translates to the ability to: 

Exclude: Say goodbye to generic categories and hello to granular keyword-level exclusion. Ban specific keywords or categories that don't fit your brand narrative or raise safety concerns. 

Target with Precision: No more shooting arrows in the dark. Use Boolean keyword targeting to reach viewers engaged with specific topics, trends, or brands that resonate with your campaign message. 

Conquering the App Hydra: Let's not forget the hydra-headed complexity of CTV device ecosystems. Apps, channels, and devices often intertwine, making it hard to pinpoint exactly where your ad will appear. Video previews and keyword segments sever this Gordian knot. By focusing on the individual video content, itself, you break free from the shackles of specific apps or channels, ensuring your message reaches the right audience within the right video content regardless of the delivery platform. 

So, let's shed the cloak of opacity and step into the light of true transparency. Let's make CTV advertising a place where every click is informed, every impression is intentional, and every brand feels confidently in control. Because in the realm of CTV, seeing is truly believing, and with video previews and keyword segments, the future is looking crystal clear. 

Ready to join the transparency revolution? Start demanding video previews and custom keyword contextual segments from your CTV partners. The future of your brand depends on it. 

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